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Szayel 5'6" Plush from "Bleach"

PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:33 pm
by SetsunaKou
WOW! My first post in the new forum!! ^^ (And it's not a BJD!! Ha ha ha....^^;;)

Anyway, I had posted a 5'4" Pharaoh Atem plush on the 13doll forum, so why not post his [sizewise] buddy here? This is 'Szayel' from Bleach, and he's 5'6", fully poseable, with removable clothing, and so HUGE!!! He was a commission a few months ago and I think he came out very handsome. ^^








He was so big and human sized, that everytime one of us walked into the room he was in, we did scared doubletakes---thinking a stranger had gotten in the house!!!! It was so stupid, because even after we'd done this SEVERAL times, it STILL kept happening!!!! ^^ :laughs:

Anyway, thanks for looking!!!!! :hug:


Re: Szayel 5'6" Plush from "Bleach"

PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:43 pm
by britbrat18
WOW! He looks amazing! I can't get over how big he is! (he's taller then me...XD). You are very talented. I can't even begin to imagine how big his shipping box will be, or the reactions of the people at the post office if they have to open it....

Re: Szayel 5'6" Plush from "Bleach"

PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:22 pm
by fieraentara
Holy carp that is totally awesome!!!! *jaw drop* I can't get over how tall he is! :O You did one heck of a job on him!! :D

Re: Szayel 5'6" Plush from "Bleach"

PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:25 pm
by claws
Wow, that's amazing! O.O I really do think you just pwned us all right now...
Geez, he's taller than me... >_>

Re: Szayel 5'6" Plush from "Bleach"

PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:15 pm
by maywong
Wow, great job.

Re: Szayel 5'6" Plush from "Bleach"

PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:53 pm
by Itsaiya
Holy crap o___o I can see why you'd do double takes....

Are large, people sized plush dolls hard to make? o.o

Re: Szayel 5'6" Plush from "Bleach"

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:48 am
by Valli
*falls over in shock* Amazing. You are so talented. I have a 39" child doll and used to sit her in a chair or at the table and everyone who came in did exactly what you do, double and triple takes. She's one of my hubby's faves out of my collection.

Re: Szayel 5'6" Plush from "Bleach"

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:14 am
by AmberRose
i saw a tuturial online a year or 2 ago on how to make the lifesize pluse but i was like gah the amount of materials and the heft and time for one was like whoa and never did one myself its cool to see one on the forum and as a anime character i think if i was to do one my daughter would have wanted gackt or roy mustang lol

Re: Szayel 5'6" Plush from "Bleach"

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:21 am
by SetsunaKou
Awww, thanks, everyone!! :hug: I'm really happy you like him so much!!!! It is hilarious when my sister, mother or father (and I) just kept 'jumping' everytime we came in the room he was in. It's amazing to think that even when you KNOW something is there, if it's too big and 'human looking', you'll STILL do that scared taken aback reflex EVERY time!! It's crazy! I wonder if the girl we made him for does double takes, too!!! ^^;; But by now, she's probably gotten used to him being around. ^^

Itsaiya-san, yes, they're very difficult to make, especially if wanted 'poseable'. You need to build an internal skeleton that poses like humans----swivelling arms, bending elbows and swivelling wrists, turning neck, sitting at lower waist, bending at hipjoints, knees and turning at ankles. This takes the most time and always causes cuts and bruises. ^^;; My sister takes care of making the skeleton and when she's done, she's always left with big gashes on her legs or arms because you need to use super heavy duty electrical wiring inside the skeleton for added poseability. (The wires cut as she shoves them up a leg or in an arm.) We seal them after they're in so they're not 'sharp' anymore, but beforehand....argh! My poor sister!)
Then, after that ordeal, you need to make the plush! And scale out the sizing, style, etc. We put 'padded chests' on them for muscle tone and at the upper arms, calves, too. ^^
Finally, after the plush is built, you need to fully stuff him, add the details, like face, hair, nails (yup he has nails and toenails!) then you have to make his clothes, which is like making a full size cosplay because he's human sized. ^^ It's so funny putting real shoes on plushies!! I think that's one of the reasons we do the double takes-----he just ends up looking too real because the shoes are on him!! We've done 5 lifesized plushies now, and every time, they're a horror to make. They're definitely a full week's project.

Thanks again everyone for your super super kind comments!!! :hug:

God bless!

Re: Szayel 5'6" Plush from "Bleach"

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:00 pm
by Dark Angel
WHOA!!! He's huge! :shock: :o :lol: awesome!