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my plushified critters

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:21 am
by tirsden

On top of the table, left-to-right-ish: Stitch, Makona (who I redid the face on because it had died in the thrift store) with three sand-beanie lizards and three Whimzy Pets mini-plushies (unicorn still in its packaging cuz it's waiting for a random dolly owner who has yet to claim it and two bunnies who belong to teeny-Shane), oldschool MLP for size ref (can't remember the official name nor the name I gave him, shy prince character is all I remember O.o;; ) and he's also all I have left of a huge collection that went to a good cause at least... shortly before I learned about customizing ponies. Timing! I do not have it. xD

Middle: giant Pikachu with Riddick (goggles-man) standing next to him (custom made by Wifey on DoA/DA)

Bottom, left-to-right-ish: unnamed super-soft hippo, US Marines Build-A-Bear (originally Patches with self-picked clothes) named Kei Oss who has a Hello Kitty plush and I forget what the lion is in his lap (belongs to little Aster), plus Nero and Brutus (dunno brand name) the dogs in front of him (they belong to SD BJD Michael and are real puppies in dolly world); Teddy who is older than I am by a little bit (and is my oldest possession that's stayed with me my whole 34 years and counting) with a blue-purple Beanie Baby bear in front of him (belongs to MSD BJD Aiden), and hey look it's Zhas the boy Bobobie Ariel masquerading as a plushie cuz he's got FWOOFYHAIR (also makes a nice MSD size reference) and he's holding Wishbear (which also belongs to Aiden); Hamtaro, Shnooks "Woogie" named Felica (Aiden's again), interactive Pikachu that talks when you press it's hands or when light changes in front of its eyes if you're already playing with it.

Yeps. Plush. I has it too, just in a smaller collection than once upon a time and well, I kinda like what remains of it anyways. And I'm not afraid to add to it when I really want to... just lately it seems I get plushies for dolls LOL.

Re: my plushified critters

PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:58 pm
by hlbmlp
omg I have the mlp, little pika and hamtaro!!! I love your sense of plushies!

Re: my plushified critters

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:34 pm
by Lamia of the Dark
MOKONA!!! >_<

Re: my plushified critters

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:28 pm
by Gift_in_Edge
Tee hee! The puppies playing is too cute. :3