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Fixing glue head with talcum powder

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 3:58 pm
by Anderson'sAllPurpose
Not sure if this is the right place for this thread, but:

I just found this method for fixing (or rather, "fixing") the hair glue seepage problem in dolls like MH and Barbie. Basically it involves lots and lots of talcum powder. Apparently it's not a new trick, but I've never heard of it before so I thought I might as well put it here. I have no idea if it works (or how long effect will last, or what happens if you get the head wet etc) but it seems OP had some favorable results. I'm trying it on a thrifted doll at the moment, will let you know how it works out (current status: powder everywhere, and also I need a better brush).

Re: Fixing glue head with talcum powder

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:37 am
by InfiniteStar
Have you had success with this? I might try it on one of my my Monster Highs, just learning about their problems and how to fix them recently.

Re: Fixing glue head with talcum powder

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:56 am
by Tealove
I did this with a monster high I <3 shoes Cleo and she turned out rather nice. She had the normal rock hard hair and I decided to wash it out. After that, it was sticky and gross and it didn't matter how often I washed it. She was so horrible that anything was worth a try. Sooo... I did the talcum powder thing. The only thing I did differently was wash the talcum powder out of her hair and repeat. I couldn't let the powder stay and brushing wasn't getting all the powder out, so I did a gentle rinse and it worked out.

I guess I'll have to see if it stays nice permanently.

Re: Fixing glue head with talcum powder

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:37 pm
by Anderson'sAllPurpose
Sorry for not replying, I forgot to set notifications for this thread.

I've dug around a bit more for possible solutions and ultimately decided the talcum powder method was too much work for too little returns for my tastes (maybe because I tried it on a Rapunzel doll with way too much hair to comb through). I've had ok results on other dolls with basically scrubbing the hair with sugar, as suggested on this blog:

Still don't feel like I've found a good permanent fix though (apart from rerooting).

Re: Fixing glue head with talcum powder

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 1:13 pm
by DollyKim
My Gloom Beach Jackson had glue running down his face. In the scheme of things I ended up working baby powder in to his damp hair, letting it sit for awhile, then rinsing it out. He's still drying but the hair feels silkier than before.

*His hair dried stiff but not as stiff as it was before. I'm going to try it again, baby powder worked in to damp hair sitting for awhile then rinsing, it does help things.

Re: Fixing glue head with talcum powder

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:59 pm
by Anderson'sAllPurpose
Yeah, it probably works a lot better for shorter hair, although I guess that goes for any method. And if it doesn't work, at least you can usually tell much quicker. Some day I'll try the sugar scrub on my Cheerleader Ken and see how that works out, although his haircut is so bad I might as well reroot him. (As for rinsing out the talcum powder, I was told to use cold water so as not to melt the glue even more.)

What's annoying is, my Hunter Huntsman has some glue seepage too, and I don't know to treat that without ruining the flocking (or at least making him prematurely grey).

Re: Fixing glue head with talcum powder

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:48 pm
by DollyKim
The baby/talcum powder in to wet hair method continues to work well. Work it in until the water you squish out of the hair is cloudy. Cold water rinse.

Just did base Jackson and it gave him some body to his hair and made it more scruffy like the art. It worked on a Cleo as well and didn't mess up her tinsel.