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Blushing an Obitsu body?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:15 pm
by Evelien
For one of the characters in a storyline I'm thinking of, I'd love to fully blush a 1/3 Obitsu body in a certain colour. My question is: if I spray all the body parts with MSC, will there be a difference in the way the colour sticks to the hard (ABS?)and the soft plastics (vinyl)..? Does anybody know..?

Re: Blushing an Obitsu body?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:04 pm
by landwhale
Nope. Not really. MSC unifies plastic I have fully blushed a few 27cm bodies. The legs are ABS and the torso is vinyl. It looks even to me.




And as you can see below. The MSC actually makes the different plastics look more alike. Only the 27cm has been coated with MSC, blushed and sealed. The ABS on the un blushed bodies is shiny compared to the vinyl.


Re: Blushing an Obitsu body?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:11 pm
by Resu
One of the things MSC does (other than sealing) is giving the surface "tooth" so things like paint and pastel dust stick to the surface better.

Re: Blushing an Obitsu body?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:29 pm
by Evelien
@Resu, I know that, but I was asking this because I didn't know if the material sprayed upon made a difference :)

@Landwhale, thanks so much, this is so helpful! Awesome :D