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Reducing a wig to fit a smaller doll

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:30 pm
by delbelcoure
Here's how I reduced an SD wig to a MSD wig. I don't have pictures of the process, only the end product (and my pictures aren't so great - sorry, photography isn't my gift.).
I put the wig on inside out on the doll's head and pinned out the excess along the back/ side seams. Then I carefully cut up the back/side seams from the inside. I made sure to avoid cutting the hair except at the weft seam. I sewed up the seams with a short stitch length to keep the cut weft from unravelling. I tried the wig on again for fit, trimming down the excess wig cap/ wefting as I went. This helped remove the bulk so I could judge the fit more accurately. I did this several times, slowly making the wig smaller, as I didn't want to over-cut and make the wig too small.
Wig reduction taken in fairly evenly on back seams

I made sure to avoid the rooted part line


When I had the fit I wanted, I top stitched the seam to one side to reduce bulk and to secure the cut ends of the weft a little more. During this whole process, I was as careful as I could be to keep the hair out of the seam, just like one does while sewing fur.

The alteration is unnoticeable from the right side

Here it is on Aubrey (it's a little small on him. I altered it to fit Ellowyne, but she's OT on DOA and I didn't bother hauling her out for a picture shoot)

Re: Reducing a wig to fit a smaller doll

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:34 pm
by Mirrin
Wow, that's really very clever! It looks perfect. Thank you for sharing.

Re: Reducing a wig to fit a smaller doll

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:10 am
by Chrystal
I know its a year later, but thank you for this. I bought a wig a size too big for my sprite and want to make it fit. Now you have given me an idea.

Re: Reducing a wig to fit a smaller doll

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:16 am
by delbelcoure
I know I'm super late responding, but - you're welcome :)