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11cm Obitsu Crochet Bikini - make your own!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:33 pm
by zirconmermaid

Ivan is mortified at being forced to model a frilly, girly bikini! Yes, I could have gotten any of the other bitty bitsu's to model it, they are all girls. But where's the fun in that? Here's how to make one for your own tiny dolls!

using size 20 crochet cotton and a #9 lace hook.

Pattern (more or less)
row 1: chain 28, join.
row 2: chain 2, (counts as first dc), dc in each stitch around, join
row 3, 4: repeat row 2
row 5: chain 2 (counts as first dc), dc in next 2 stitches,
row 6: chain 2. reverse, dc in next 2 stitches, (you are making the crotch)
row 7: repeat row 6 - do not break or join!
row 8: count 11 stitches on row 4. dc into the 12th stitch, slst into 13th stitch, dc into center dc of crotch, slst into next stitch in the three stitch wide crotch, dc into the 14th stitch on the main part. tie off and weave in all ends.

Ruffle on bottoms
join thread at back between row 2 and 3 of bottoms.
row 1: *chain 3, skip one stitch, join,* repeat around. You should have 14 chain 3 loops around between rows 2 and 3.
row 2: in each chain three space, *sc, dc, dc, dc, sc* tie off and weave in ends.

chain 12, do not join
row 1: dc in second chain from hook and remaining chains (10dc or equivalent)
row 2 and row 3: chain 2, dc in each chain across
row 4: (lower ruffle) *chain 3, skip one stitch, join,* repeat across for 5 loops.
row 5: in each chain three space, *sc, dc, dc, dc, sc* do not tie off! chain 28, tie off, trim end for lower tie cord
row 6: chain 28, join thread on opposite side of chain 28 tie, work up the side of the top and across and down the other side with single crochet, for the sides use two sc in each dc, and 2 sc in the corners. This puts a nice edge around the top and adds the second lower tie.
row 7: chain 28, join to top at one upper corner (you are making the neck trim and the upper tie), *ch 3, sk one stitch, join* repeat 4 more times for 5 small loops across, chain 28, tie off, trim end for upper tie cord.

I trimmed all the tie ends to about 1 inch.

Tie the top onto the doll with the lower ties first, then the upper ties
Slide the bottom up, taking care that the part above the ruffle does not fold inside

Re: 11cm Obitsu Crochet Bikini - make your own!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:13 am
by TatsuKitty
aww that's adorable! Thanks for the pattern! I might scale it up for my 16 cm sometime. If crocheting that tiny doesn't make me go cross eyed. XD

Re: 11cm Obitsu Crochet Bikini - make your own!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:36 pm
by Dirili
You do such super cute work! I've never been a crochet person myself.

Re: 11cm Obitsu Crochet Bikini - make your own!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:51 pm
by Trethowan
*snort* this is cute.