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#51 No Greater Love: Vengeance!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:44 pm
by Trethowan
#51 No Greater Love part 4 Vengeance!

Disclaimer: Less violence, no more guns, a blob of leftover blood, and fewer loads of amateur photoshopping. BAHAA!!! NEXT UP??? More backstory than you can shake a stick at! Dialogue so heavy you'd think I skipped a hundred photographs! THERE WILL BE MORE WORDS THAN YOUR EYEBALLS CAN HANDLE!!! *cough* Please look forward to it. :lol:


“The scent of blood permeates the air.”


“My friend, what has befallen you?”

“Ivan,” Micah whispered. “I had one grand adventure. You’d be jealous.” He passed out.


Foster grumbled under his breath that his magic took so long to build.


Ivan wept over his injured friend as Foster told him of their adventures and all Micah did to save him. He left out his own death since it was temporary, and for once the prince had no desire to boast. Foster said, “His heartbeat is strong. You should thank Jillian. She saved your life and defeated our foe, but it seems he’s made of strong stuff and has escaped despite his injuries.”


“Prince Foster of Eolande, I ask you this day to join me in battle.”


“My sword is yours, your majesty.”


“For honor, for glory! Witness the power of the Fee!” Foster cleared his throat. “But at this moment we must hide from the healers en route, per Jillian’s request.”


“Well, I suppose one can’t avoid prudence, even in the throes of battle. We hide. And then we make war against our foes. They shall not stand.”

Jillian and two paramedics in not-so-normal looking uniforms carried Micah away. Ivan and Foster took to the streets in search of their would-be murderer. Ryan avoided cleaning the mess in the apartment.




“What is that awful smell… faugh! It stinks like a grave.”


“I smell blood, too. What is this place and why is everything so huge?” Kip blinked. “Oh no. The innkeeper was wrong. That rotten Prince Foster isn’t trying to make a treaty with the dragons… he’s trying to recruit… giants!”


“This is bad…”


“This is really bad!” Kip heard someone coming. “Darley, hide!”


“I can see you back there,” Lee said. “You can come out.”


“Don’t eat me Sir Giant! I’m surely too gamey and tough.”


“The fun just keeps coming, doesn’t it?” Lee let out a long sigh. “Hey Ryan! One of Ina’s little fox critters is here! Watch where you step, ‘kay?” To Kip he said, “I’ll fix you up a place where you won’t get stepped on. You can wait for Ina there. Well, assuming you’re… ah, whatever. At this point I couldn't care less.”


“Darley, just go along with whatever he says.” To Lee he said, “Sounds fine, Sir Giant. I thank you for your hospitality. I’m Kip Lightning, fastest snail racer in all of Eolande. Except for that one dumb little race, but I’m sure that upstart Richi cheated. No way is her snail faster than mine.” He huffed. “Nobody beats me n’ Darley!”


And I thought the fairies were tall. This guy is a monster! “Pardon me, Sir Giant, but where is Ina?”

“Dunno, she’s not back yet. You hungry?”


“Well, come on then. I’ve got a raid at 8. Well, if those blasted orcs show up on time. Idiots are always late.”

“Orcs, heheh. Who can figure?” Prince Foster has gone insane. When he unleashes these monsters on Eolande the people will suffer once more. They’ll smash our villages and destroy our crops just like the last war. The little guy always pays the price for the wars of the elite. Damn fairies. This is madness. Why can’t Ina see that?

Next story: #52

tooooo beeeeeee continueeeeeeeed! I'm on a roll for Monday updates!! Hooray for timeliness!!!

Re: #51 No Greater Love: Vengeance!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:19 am
by Greyhaunt
Confusion, misunderstanding, vengeance and magic - break out the popcorn the ride appears to be preparing to begin :)