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Sparkle Girlz clothing

PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:17 pm
by kenaiqueen
I found these cheapo dresses at Walmart yesterday and thought I'd do a review here for anyone who is interested. They were about $3 each (Alaska prices; your prices will probably be lower) and they each came with a purse or shoes. They don't have that nasty stretch material on the back like the cheap Barbie dresses, but they are quite short as you can see. Like almost Hoochie short :lol: !
Starting from the left, is a gray bodysuit and skirt on a Barbie Fashionista body. The shoes were also included and they fit well. However the body suit is really tight lengthwise, which I suppose means the actual Sparkle Girlz dolls must have shorter torsos than Barbie. Width is fine tho.

In the middle is my Hojoo Freya in a knit and sequined lace dress with a purse. It's a bit too wide around the torso same as the Barbie dresses but less noticeable because of the knit fabric. Much more modest skirt length on her.

Far right is a Mattel Disney with bendable knees. Again, a pretty good fit around, but short, short, short! I will probably end up adapting them for Freya rather than keeping them on any of my Barbies. With a little nip & tuck, they might work on Monster Highs too.

Re: Sparkle Girlz clothing

PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 6:25 am
by DollyKim
Nice to know they fit the Hujoo well, I might have to get some now.

Re: Sparkle Girlz clothing

PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 2:14 pm
by Jobee
Awesome! I'll have to look for this.

Re: Sparkle Girlz clothing

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:11 pm
by OkamiKodomo
They have these at my local walmart. 1.97. I want to try some on my impl baby. I also toyed with the idea of trying the stretchy ones on a resinsoul msd li body. And a resinsoul 27cm.... ~ponders