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PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:11 pm
by OutBriefCandle
Ever heard of this place? I'd never heard of it before, someone on my local doll group linked it because they have a resin BJD skull.

A skull. That you can put on a doll like a regular head. And put eyes in. IT HAS A JOINTED JAW. I want one so bad. There's a 1/6 skull too, meant for an action figure it looks like.

They don't have a lot of variety yet, but it looks like they're really trying to cater to the toal customization side of the hobby especially, because they have SD sized head 'bases,' just the general bits like the neck hole, headcap, large eye sockets, but the face is fairly flat (looks like an alien really, with the right eyes and paint job could be amazing as is) and it's meant for you to sculpt your own face onto it without having to deal with an existing 'bone structure.' And it's cheap! Only 26USD for the base, and you can order LADoll and two part epoxy from them at the same time. They've got a variety of 1/6 bases too, meant for action figures but I bet you could mod the neckless one onto an Obitsu if you wanted. Their finished SD size head is kinda cute, too.

I thought it looked pretty cool and I know I've seen and heard about people doing some pretty major facial stuff so I thought I'd share. I know I'd much rather start on something like that base if I was doing a head than trying to start from scratch or worrying about hacking up a finished company head! Plus, skull. How cool is that. it looks like they have some sort of skeletal looking hands coming up the pipeline too

Re: Jungatoy

PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:16 pm
by Tira-chan
Ooh, if you put the skull and maybe the hands on a tall, thin body, you could have your very own Death!

Re: Jungatoy

PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:57 pm
by haruredjen
Yeah, I've seen this before... they're completely awesome!! Jess wants one of the blank faceless ones for a character of hers. I think they're really cool. One person on DoA did a really neat doll with hers; she just blushed a body to look "boney" and dead-ish, and did a fantastic face up on the head.

Re: Jungatoy

PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:17 am
by Dark Angel
Cool!! Now there's a doll even my dad might like!

Re: Jungatoy

PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:32 am
by delbelcoure
That's very neat; thanks for sharing.