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What's wrong with my body now?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 5:01 am
by DollyKim
The answer is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome! The life long genetic version, not the post Corona virus version but it's generally the same.

Basically I'm allergic to... Everything? Myself? Something I could eat yesterday? I can itch all over for no reason, I get a consistent mystery rash with no exact cause, I have low blood pressure, brain fog, joint problems, digestive problems, no energy, spent quite some time with dumping syndrome...

Generally it's like I have an auto immune disorder but I'm missing the key components that say it's Lupis or something else. Actually, at least three generations of the female side of the family have had some sort of mast cell problem but only a handful of the symptoms have been treated if we didn't have "white lady hypochondriac" diagnoses. Yeah, guess who doesn't like going to the doctor unless they need to. My appointment is next year :/

So, if you have had a life long battle with general allergic to something symptoms that aren't going away or had Corona virus and have lingering allergy of any kind symptoms talk to a health care provider about a Mast Cell issue.

Re: What's wrong with my body now?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 10:27 am
by Jobee
I have a few hereditary chronic illnesses too! And it IS harder to get good medical care if your doctor rolls their eyes and doesn't listen to you. I've had that problem big time. Especially being fat. There's some serious problems with prejudices in the medical world. I've been told black women have the hardest struggle, and I believe it.

Re: What's wrong with my body now?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 11:37 am
by kenaiqueen
Swiftly approaching 70 years old and so tired of doctors and their half-assed diagnosis. If I were younger, I might look into this, but I'm not and I really don't care much anymore. I just treat my symptoms as best I can and carry on.

I wish all of you all the best and hope that medicine improves more in your lifetime.

Re: What's wrong with my body now?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 2:13 pm
by Kirahfaye
I hope doctors improve more in your lifetime......

Re: What's wrong with my body now?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 3:16 pm
by maywong
kenaiqueen wrote:Swiftly approaching 70 years old and so tired of doctors and their half-assed diagnosis. If I were younger, I might look into this, but I'm not and I really don't care much anymore. I just treat my symptoms as best I can and carry on.

I wish all of you all the best and hope that medicine improves more in your lifetime.

I am in the same boat. :cry:

Re: What's wrong with my body now?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:55 am
by DollyKim
Get your allergy bingo cards out and mark the spaces for-
Unseasonal hay fever
Severe hives with no direct cause
The hip pain that started at 15
Temporary food elimination to see if that makes me feel better
There's an enzyme that might help but it's pricey and the last time I took a supplement I was aware enough to notice it was messing with my system and I was showing signs getting way to much of some vitamins and had to stop and it's easier to deal with a $$ bottle of stuff I can't take instead of a $$$ bottle, know what I mean?

Re: What's wrong with my body now?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 4:45 am
by victoriavictrix
You can get hives from stress. I have to take 4 Allegra a day to keep mine from flaring up.

Re: What's wrong with my body now?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 5:08 am
by DollyKim
Stress might be the only cause left now but I think my immune system likes the idea it can battle my skin because it can't make my eyes swell and I'm used to the joint pain.

I wish I could take an antihistamine and know it would work right. Because of the ADHD or something else I usually get side effects and I still itch. On the mild side I'm like a zombie but I can't sleep, on the other I can sense the presence of the DPH Hat Man and thankfully know that's what it is.

Currently I'm trying nettle and topical things and trying to get a doctor's appointment to get a skin doctor's appointment.

*Halfway there, a regular doctor is confused if I have something in the eczema-psoriasis family or not but I have meds. All we do know is it's not contagious and it's very itchy.

**Punch biopsies, they took off a sizable angioma as well, and stitches later it could be psoriasis. So basically I am allergic to myself. The irony would be that I have spent the last 30 years not getting too much sun and I have something where one of the treatments might be a tanning bed.

Re: What's wrong with my body now?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 5:34 am
by DollyKim
I didn't do the almost final update to this, allergy tests are still pending. I basically have eczema, which can be confused with psoriasis at it's early stage and takes a lot of the same OTC treatments. It's still an immune system problem and being allergic to my own skin and anything else it wants. It's also stress induced and has environmental factors, not pets tho because all my life I had pets. I have always been generally itchy but never had distinct spots before this.

The angioma was benign, just big. The biopsy stitches were more uncomfortable than anything else. Once the doctor prescribed medication did its thing I have been able to keep it at bay which is easier now that I know what it is. Part of my treatment is self care, me time, and kicking back in a bath tub with scented epsom salts and catching up with videos on my phone.