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Girl to boy, torso joint, sculpting genetalia[4S/AprilStory]

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Girl to boy, torso joint, sculpting genetalia[4S/AprilStory]

Postby MorbidNeeds » Mon Apr 21, 2014 11:36 am


Got an 4S/AprilStory Olivia home yesterday, this is the sculpt:


and because I couldn't hold myself back I started one of his many modifications.

Didn't get to shoot a picture from when the chest was still intact but this is how it looked:


As I do not have an electrical dremel, yet, I used of of those battery driven manicure dremels and a hobby knife to sand down the chest and after half an hour this was the progress I'd made:


Several hours later, working only on the right side, alternating between sanding and cutting down the resin and shaping it it slowly started looking like something:


Drawing how I'd like to have it be shaped in the end and what to cut away at this was the result:


Have plenty more sanding to do before I'm finished on that one side, before I'm able to do the same process over again on the left side

Also have in mind doing a torso joint mod on the guy as I want that much more flexibility out of him than him only being able to sit stiffly up and down not being able to turn his upper body at all, I don't know why 4S didn't make one but it didn't put me off from buying though. And last, but not least, I will also be sculpting him a penis and fix up his chin as it is a tad too long for how he's supposed to look.

- - -

Got some more work down yesterday, this time on the other side. Not saying I'm done on the right side yet, not at all, just wanted to see some progress on the overall chest. Don't have much to add to the overall progress other than it taking a very long time indeed, what with a soon-to-be burned out battery driven manicure drill as the only available tool at hand.









Got an electric dremel today so definitely going to get this mod over and done with in a flash to be able starting the next two; torso joint and sculpt a penis.

- - -

Got to try out my newly bought dremel today and must say it's an amazing tool! In the past I made do with whatever tools I had on hand, but that's all in the past now. Got the chest sanded down in no time and now all that needs to be done is fine grinding and adjusting the symmetry a bit and finish off with some water sanding.



So while I'm doing that I can sit and gain some courage to do that torso joint mod. So wish I lived near someone having done that kind of mod before, and I'm usually never one to get nervous about things such as these.

- - -

Finally got the courage and cut the body in half. Wasn't as bad as my mind made it up to be.


Now all I have to do is hollow the upper piece out and shape it, shape the hip piece, make a new hole for the elastic to run through in the hip piece, finish of fine grinding it and lastly water sand it.
Closing in on finishing up on this guy ever so slowly.

- - -

Got the pieces hollowed out and shaped and they almost fit together like a glove.


Have plenty more sanding to do and symmetry to work on, also need to play around with apoxie sculpt and fill out the previous holes where the elastic would run.
Though for today I think I'll call it quits, rather tiring doing all of this though you aren't really doing anything much but holding your tool sanding away while sitting
looking down at the resin dust flying.

- - -




A few more progress pictures, so close to the goal now!
Both chest and hip piece hollowed out, made a new hole in hip piece for elastic string and filled the previous ones out with apoxie clay and made a new rounded opening.
The clay can’t be seen unless one pose the chest for/backwards or to either side, doesn’t really bother me as this cutie patootie won’t be going no where. The apoxie
were still not entirely hardened for me to sand it so used a hobby knife to sit and scrape at it to shape it up how I wanted it. Next thing up will be either water sanding
or sculpting him a penis and last, but not least, painting and sewing something for him to wear.

- - -

Last night and with pretty much nothing better to do I got around to sculpting the little guy a cute little penis for him to be able calling himself a proper
anatomically correct male.


Started out outlining how I'd want it to be, shaping it some before really getting into adding detail and contour to it and ended up with this:



Pretty pleased with how it came to look like and after finishing up he was left to dry, then the torso and hip part needed some more sanding finishing off with wet
sanding and I could put him back together again:


Now all that's missing is a face-up, acrylics to paint and have the skin of the penis match the rest of him, his wig to arrive in the mail and some proper clothing.
Will be posting some of all that in this thread when time is.
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Re: Girl to boy, torso joint, sculpting genetalia[4S/AprilSt

Postby littlesamuraigirl » Tue May 06, 2014 7:57 am

Wow, this is fantastic! Wonderful job modding <3 The sculpt is very nice as well ^^ Excited to see his faceup!
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Re: Girl to boy, torso joint, sculpting genetalia[4S/AprilSt

Postby ReniColi » Wed May 28, 2014 1:48 pm

Thats awesome! :D
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Re: Girl to boy, torso joint, sculpting genetalia[4S/AprilSt

Postby zirconmermaid » Wed May 28, 2014 9:20 pm

This is a nice ambitious modding job!
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