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Vinyl Stain Removal

PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:38 pm
by Greyhaunt
While you can clean your vinyl doll with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, it won't do much against those deep level stains from the default clothing or that nice outfit someone gave you.

The absolute BEST product in the universe is Remove-zit from Twin Pines. URL here: Yes, you can also use pimple creams, but they will take longer than this product which was formulated specifically for vinyl dolls by the husband of a collector.

When you buy Remove-zit, you will also want to buy their Formula 911 as this is the product you will need to clean the Remove-zit off the doll after you use it. They are worth every penny.

Re: Vinyl Stain Removal

PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:35 pm
by Janeway
:) very interesting and can a person get this stuff in Canada. I'm a canadian and was wonder about this stuff.

Re: Vinyl Stain Removal

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:57 am
by TheHighlander
Regarding Twin Pines Remove-zit. Misheru was using it to removes some staining on some of our vinyl pieces over the weekend. it worked well, however here is a caution for everyone. If you are working with stained vinyl limbs be very careful about the joints. The hard joint material interacts with the twin pines Remove-zit product and becomes soft and vinyl like. So much so that it became slightly tacky and the surface was fragile enough that light abrasion was sufficient to tear some of the surface away from the joint.

If you read the information about the product it warns that there can be swelling and other changes to the material in some cases, but that once cleaned and allowed to dry properly the material should return to normal. So I allowed the joint pieces to dry completely and now they appear to be back to normal.

The joints in this case have returned more or less to normal now, but it was very odd. Either way, unless the joint material itself is stained, remove the joint when cleaning to avoid any potential problems with the joints. The product information preaches patience, and suggests that any kind of swelling or blistering of the plastic/vinyl will subside if left alone, you just have to be patient.

Re: Vinyl Stain Removal

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 12:33 pm
by EAB
Very useful information. Thanks for posting it.