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Final Santana Row Meet (x-posted)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:30 pm
by Resu
This meet was sort of spur-of-the-moment because it hit me that this weekend was the last one I had before starting classes again. XD


So, Viatti finally has an acceptable wig, so he gets to go out again. :lol:


Klar looks rather bewildered at his situation. Zoey just wants to be friends! Or maybe his brain. It's kind of hard to tell.




Putting my Obitsu into complicated poses that require a lot of balancing seems to be a terrible habit of mine.


Piggy back ride! : D>-<


And then after this shot, security came by to ask me to stop taking pictures and put the dolls away. I happily complied.

Considering that we've never had that happen in the few years we held meets here, my guess is that another customer felt uncomfortable with our dolls. That's actually fine with me because they have every right to enjoy their cake in peace, too. :)