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Going back to just one doll?

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Re: Going back to just one doll?

Postby Evelien » Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:08 pm

I'm not in a hurry... Especially with her. I think she'll be in a box or drawer for quite a while before she actually goes. I just won't be doing anything with her in the meantime. If you want me to think of you should I sell her at some point, let me know. :) You do know she doesn't have her company faceup anymore?
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Re: Going back to just one doll?

Postby AlmySidaKay » Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:09 pm

Stepping in for a sec, just to remind everyone that this is not a sales thread.

Also, on the related topic note, I too recently went through a doll cleansing, there was a lot of love, but I just ultimately felt overwhelmed since I had so many of a doll with the same type of body. I still can't help but want to buy more dolls, but as of more recently it's part face love, part pose-ability, and a bit of not the same thing in every doll. Such as liking the Limhwa for her posing and unique face, and then liking the Unoa/Minifee because she's so dainty in comparison.
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Re: Going back to just one doll?

Postby Dirili » Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:39 pm

I wanted Anne too hehe. I like to stick to 1/3rd dolls most of the time but all your dolls look sooo cute Eve that I still want half of them lol
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Re: Going back to just one doll?

Postby happyknot » Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:35 pm

I don't know if I'd want to have just one - two is a more reasonable number for me.

Even though I am lazy and there are often long periods of time where I don't touch my dolls at all, there are some dolls which just languish in boxes. I know that I won't be getting around to the boxed dolls because they aren't holding my interest.

It has gotten out of hand some times but I am confident that once I have things in my life in order I will also be parting with some of this collection. At least my doll buying craziness is under control.

...(but I still look. x_x)
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Re: Going back to just one doll?

Postby SugarCorpse » Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:56 pm

this thread makes me think that when i get more money i really shouldn't buy a second doll.... at least not for a looooong time. i should focus on her for the reasons i wanted to get one so badly in the first place... making stuff for her,taking pictures and over all enjoying the person i create. then when i can honestly say I'm ready for another one i'll actively look for one until i can get another model i'm in love with. i could see myself getting to caught up in the buying and not enough in the enjoying and then losing my love for most of them x_x.

which would suck after 9 years of wanting one and finally finding an affordable one i'm absolutely in love with already.
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Re: Going back to just one doll?

Postby Sarah » Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:32 pm

When I first got into dolls there was only one company with very few sculpts (Volks). At that point, I only thought I'd ever have one doll, since there weren't many to choose from and they were all expensive and difficult to obtain. Fast forward to today, where there are so man companies with different sizes, aesthetics, and prices - with that much variety I have definitely changed my mind about having just one doll! I've owned 8 different dolls now, although I have sold two, traded one, and have one up for sale, I wasn't selling them to downsize as much as because I just wasn't enjoying them. My current bunch are all different sizes and I love that! I could see there being a point of having too many dolls, definitely, but I don't think I'd want to go back down to just one unless I had to financially.
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Re: Going back to just one doll?

Postby richila » Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:29 pm

I was thinking about this idea. I realized that although I have a lot of dolls, its not a lot of different bodies. I tend to focus on one doll at a time. Right now, I am crocheting-not sewing and concentrating on micro clothes for Myri -my DHS micro. I have another DHS on layaway with the same size body, but longer legs. I bought the Picco Neemo body, because i hope it will be the same size as my Fairyland Real Puki body. Lots of dolls-just a few sizes with one main doll per size. Of course, i only have one MSD Couple-everyone else is some type of tiny.
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Re: Going back to just one doll?

Postby DollyKim » Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:34 pm

Cutting down would be on the close to impossible side for me too. Out of nowhere something will happen that has me looking for a doll I haven't touched in awhile. If I were one of those who got rid of those I only spend a little time with I'd be in serious want.

Sometimes it's nice to know I have someone stowed away somewhere then the feeling of wanting.
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Re: Going back to just one doll?

Postby SetsunaKou » Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:13 pm

Hmmm.....I guess I never thought about this, since I just display my dolls and never play with them.

We buy all the dolls needed for a set (I'm a 'full set' crazed collector), make their clothes, do their faces and wigs (or their hair if they're rooted), then take their photos for our site, and then put them all in a curio cabinet or display case.

Then I never touch them again. ^^;;

After that, it's on to the next set/series of dolls that we want to recreate/make!

We have many hundreds in all sizes, and have always had tons of dolls around since we were 4-5 years old.

Thinking about it, I wouldn't even consider parting with them, because they're mainly 3D interpretations of favorite anime/cartoon/comic characters or even actors we like and are fans of and not original characters or anything. So, they're like 'artwork,' just in 3-dimension for me that I like to display in my room. (Well, my sister considers her SD sized boys her friends, so she does play with them--particularly for 'Hey!x3')

But, I've never 'played' with my dolls. Even when I was little---I hardly ever took them out of their box and if I did---I'd just sit them in a doll house, or on a stand and never brush their hair, change their clothes or anything. ^^;; EEK....I guess I've always had that 'mint in box' mentality, even when I was 8 years old. ^^;;

My sister, on the other hand.....she brushed, cut, trimmed, dyed her dolls' hair, she made them jump and 'cartwheel' down the stairs until all her dolls had broken necks or legs, they all lost their original clothing and accessories, and she even brought them outside and went up trees with them, hung them in branches, lost them for awhile up in the trees or the barn, etc.

Her dolls were dirty, broken, decrepit, while mine were and are, pristine and 'minty' condition.

Despite this, she always said, and still says, that her dolls are happier because they were better loved.
My argument is that mine are 'happier' and also loved by way of not being abused, because they're in better condition and like new.

Then, she pulls out the Toy Story 2 analogy. :shock:
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Re: Going back to just one doll?

Postby Dirili » Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:54 pm

hehe they are all loved, just different kinds of love is all.

It's the same with people. We all love different ways and some of us don't understand how other people show their love and that's when we have relationship problems.
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