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Doh! Dollieh Mistakes and Regrets

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 2:56 pm
by Kirahfaye
So, have you ever ordered a doll or accessory and when you got it you realized you made a big mistake or quickly regretted the purchase? I thought this could be a good place to share our "oppses".

About 3 months ago I bought a 2005 modded eye Luts/CP Juri SD girl for a character I had in mind. I knew she'd need a faceup eventually, but regardless I kept feeling like she wasn't fitting the character somehow. I just couldn't figure out "how". Until a couple of days ago when I realized what the problem was. My character is human and she's - obviously - an elf! Doh! (Thankfully I might be trading her head with a friend at the doll meet this weekend.)

Re: Doh! Dollieh Mistakes and Regrets

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:56 pm
by Jobee
Shoes. Seriously, shoes. Why's it so hard to find shoes that fit? Why do their feet all have to be different shapes and sizes? I can't remember how many times I've ordered and received shoes that don't fit my dolls.

Re: Doh! Dollieh Mistakes and Regrets

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 4:12 pm
by Alopecia No Hime
For me, it's "The one's that got away" My grail doll is Resinsoul Mei, yet it's never until I've spent a lot of money on something, I realize I could've spent that saving up for one...I'm planning on getting her somehow before the end of the year.

Re: Doh! Dollieh Mistakes and Regrets

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 4:58 pm
by ShortNCuddlyAm
So many accessories! Shoes, like Jobee. Even when I've measured the feet again, rechecked the measurements of the shoes I'm buying, I still end up with ones that are too large. Or occasionally too small or tight. The funniest are the lace ugg-style boots, which just slide straight off my Doll Chateau without any provocation!

Then there's wigs. Somehow I never see the photos that show them as being a foot long or floofier than a poodle after a blow dry. They always seem to look a reasonable length in the pics, and sleek. And as I can't style wigs for toffee (although maybe I could with toffee... :lol: ) I have binned quite a few (they were unrescuable after my botched attempts at styling.)

And I don't buy dolls to match characters any more - it's only sort-of worked out once for me (I saw a pic of the doll, and the character jumped into my mind at that point). I buy dolls because I like them, and sort the character out after. I've sold and swapped more than I care to remember because of that :(

Re: Doh! Dollieh Mistakes and Regrets

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 6:37 pm
by K2!
When I started it was shoes, because all SD feet are the same size, right?

Re: Doh! Dollieh Mistakes and Regrets

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 9:33 pm
by Qrinta
Biggest oops was not quite understanding the difference between peach gold and special real skin on the iplehouse website. The pictures I was looking at were labeled wrong and I realized after ordering my girl that I'd ordered the wrong color. Love her to bits but I do still want to get her in the right color eventually. XD

Re: Doh! Dollieh Mistakes and Regrets

PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:47 am
by Iwa_Hoshi
I don't have much regrets on the buying front being so fussy in terms of what I want from a doll before coughing out all that cash.

I do regret not doing enough research when rerooting Obi-Chun. Made a mistake of not parting her hair all the way to the back for twin tails and now I don't dare remove all that hair to try on her current head. There was already some damage done during the reooting process. I bought a spare head but never got around to rerooting that one since Obi-Chun isn't doing active Chun Li duty lately.

Re: Doh! Dollieh Mistakes and Regrets

PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:39 am
by DollyKim
Rerooting base Ghoulia but I was able to trade the reroot and get one in return. I suffer from "why did I buy that" in general so I have to remember not to take it out on the dolls. Yet I still have a few non customs I could part with and not care either way.

Re: Doh! Dollieh Mistakes and Regrets

PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:39 am
by OkamiKodomo
Trying to open the eyes on the Obitsu boy head that came with the 55cm boy I JUST got. I should have practiced a bit more on a monster high doll or something. I ended up giving the head to my girlfriend and I'm going to get a different head for him. Just need to find one in the right size.

Re: Doh! Dollieh Mistakes and Regrets

PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:14 pm
by Trethowan
Yeah... I'm jumping in on the shoes. *points to Jim's giant feet* I have a truck load of shoes that don't fit anyone.

And eyeballs!! I have so many eyes that I thought would work but didn't. I don't even want to start talking about wigs and saggy jeans.

I regret spending some of my doll money on impulse buys like the Hujoos. They don't fit my collection and I can't seem to sell them. Meh. I don't regret any other dolls, though. I've been happy with everyone. I regret not buying the Obitsu Alice when she was in stock at Junkyspot cause I ended up paying way more.