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Found Some Christmas Stuff That Can Work For Dolls

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Found Some Christmas Stuff That Can Work For Dolls

Postby Kattriella » Thu Oct 12, 2017 11:26 am

Was at Walmart getting some stuff and decided to check the Christmas decorations. There are some cool ornaments that look like bird cages, lanterns, crowns, and even lamps that looked like a good size for SD and MSD dolls, and even some cute sleds that would be good for 1:6 scale child dolls like Kelly and Chelsea, or for your mini dolls. Don't know if there's a thread for "fun finds" so to speak, but check them out if you live near a Walmart, or just check the Christmas decorations at any of your local stores. Last year I found Christmas sweater ornaments that fit my 1:6 scale crew. I like to hit the stores as stuff is being out out to get what I want before it's been picked over.

Anybody else found any cool stuff for you dolls in the holiday section this year?
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