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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:56 am
by DollyKim
Looks like the price doubled from the lows some of us paid but Brownies!

~Tries very hard to resist~

Re: Brownies!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:53 am
by leopardessmoon
yeah!....I need another body for Nilla....I would HIGHLY recomend buying from Ajumapamausa! Karen was so awsome through all the stress and troubles and made sure we were kept up to date with current info. she is very reliable!
I have an extra yuyu head, I think I need to give it a faceup...I may end up selling it if I cant come up with a character for it though

Re: Brownies!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:08 am
by Greyhaunt
So does this mean that Felixdoll didn't go under as was reported?

Re: Brownies!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:53 am
by leopardessmoon
it was never any officiall announcement, just loads of speculation and rumor. It was speculated that the company was entirely restructured, which could be a type of bankruptcy. it was also speculated that the rights to make and sell the brownies was sold off to someone else. I wouldnt buy straight from the company, some of those who did last time were left hanging for the most part. I do know that Ajumapama Korea sent representatives to the felix doll warehouse and picked up and assymbled the dolls and sets themselves to make sure that thier customers got thier orders.

Re: Brownies!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:02 am
by AmberRose
yes ajumpama is taking care of their customers
felix still has outstanding orders from last year with many buyers
tons of scandal went on
ajumpama usa is trying to get their dolls out as soon as they can
many have been waiting since jan or prior for their brownies
now that the prices are 150 many are flooding to doa and ebay for 125+ and selling them off.
good news for those wanting a brownie most seem to be selling them and buying other tinies typically puki's from what i am reading.

i love my frances and both my daughters love their brownies they bought but it will be a year plus prior to me buying any more from them.

personally at 150-165 i would rather have a puki (wigs and clothes are cheap and i have extras anyways)
apparently ccc is having ton's of issues too, people getting fake shipping conf. and some waiting since last year for dolls and that being why the buy buttons were removed from the official retailer refunding out of their own pockets for the dolls too or so i read on doa the other day. not sure on background of the story or not just came accress it from another thread i was reading i personally don't own any ccc dolls, just read it due to being bored the other day people seemed rather irritated.