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Dollmore Fashion doll head on Chicline body?

MSD, Tonners, or 40cm + (18" range)

Dollmore Fashion doll head on Chicline body?

Postby Farchoosawits » Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:28 pm

For starters, I was wondering if the head/body proportions would be correct for a dollmore fashion doll head and a chicline body, I looked up the sizes for both but just numbers don't give me a clear idea of what it really looks like. Second, would the resin match well enough to make such a hybrid? If y'all have a link to some other certain evil empire website that would give me tips on resin matches since they have a lot of info but if you make a new topic and they so happen to have a similar one they get mad at you... yada yada, y'all know the story.
I would much appreciate any information anyone could give. :B

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