Yeah, well this is cross-posted..from that *other* doll website, but it's so huge that my thread is often over looked. I like you guys better anyway. xD
SO, I was thinking that... I'd really like to make a doll based on myself so that I can always be with my dolls and have someone to hang out with. (lame right? haha)
I was thinking maybe a DZ Annie, but one of my friends said DZ now I'm not sure. The friend that said that isn't really a doll person so I was thinking maybe they just said that because in the promos he has blonde hair, freckles and blue eyes. I think that face might be to young though. Just wanted to know what you guys thought...
WARNING, bespectacled dork ahead~!
These were all taken several years ago when I was around 13-14 years old, I think that's what age I'd like the 'doll-me' to be. Any size doll is fine, doesn't have to be a spitting image, just maybe some traits or so. ALSO, doesn't have to be a smiley sculpt, haha I hardly ever smile, just in photos it seems. xD
Let me know your ideas! 8D