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Help finding a wig?

MSD, Tonners, or 40cm + (18" range)

Help finding a wig?

Postby britbrat18 » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:55 pm

It should not be this hard to find a blue wig. >_< I've been looking for months for a wig that looks like this...Poor Yuan has been bald for a very, very long time.


I've been haunting ebay, and the DOA marketplace every day, and I haven't seen anything under $20 (which is my current budget for it).

It doesn't have to be in a ponytail, I can do that myself. But it needs to be that color, and have no bangs. It can be longer, I can cut it. But I've been having a real hard time finding one without bangs in a color like that without killing my wallet. In some pictures Monique's normal blue looks close (and in others in looks way off), but there is no style close to what I need anyway(that I know of). I would call the color azure I think...

So does anyone have any ideas for where I can get one in the US? This is for a BBB sprite btw.

Thanks guys!! :mrgreen:
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