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PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2019 6:23 pm
by Taichas
Just wondering about other collectors' hybrids! What was your first hybrid, what's your current project, do you prefer hybrids?

Preferably we'd be talking about the bigger hybrids, 50-70cm.

MY first hybrid is on layaway! I've never done a hybrid, so I'm hype. She's a Little Monica Sarubia on a Mirodoll 60cm body. If all turns out, I think I'll be doing hybrids a LOT more!

Re: Hybrids???`

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2019 7:44 pm
by Dark Angel
My Dimitri is a hybrid. Mirodoll body and Ringdoll head. The match is pretty close, unless you use the Flash on the camera. Then it's noticeably different.


I actually do NOT prefer hybrids. I think they are a lot of work and the skintone not matching drives me bonkers! I have a head that is without a body and I'm not sure it will ever get one.

Re: Hybrids???`

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 3:58 pm
by Carrillo
Most of my dolls (particularly the SDs) are hybrids. My first doll, Thranduil, was a hybrid as his head is Modoll & they don’t to do bodies. His body is T&D. I’ve got two custom heads incoming, one will be T&D temporarily, or my spare Dollshe body, the other I’m currently thinking popodoll, or maybe luts...