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Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 12/04!!

Tales of love, death and more angst than you can shake a stick at - plus some comedy thrown in for good measure.

Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 11/06/14

Postby K2! » Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:38 pm

she_flame wrote:No promised graveyard, as I found passable shooting site closer to home (and less populated area, so I could take photos without audience).

This is so much better than a graveyard. It looks much more remote and desolate. Very "right" for the location of an ancient magic portal. And the snow...the perfect touch to make it look even more inhospitable and unfriendly! Fabulous choice of locations!
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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 11//14

Postby Eseme » Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:05 pm

We get to see the hooves! We haven't seen your Dranei hooves before!

I also love the location and the skill in your pphotography. The close shots are very dramatic. Looking forward to more, I love this story.

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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 11//14

Postby she_flame » Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:51 pm

Eseme, thanks! ^^ And you have seen her hooves few times before. But yeah, Chandira seems to be shy to presemt them - not at all like Fanella (whos little cute hooves are shown almost every frame she is - or so I feel like). :D
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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 11//14

Postby she_flame » Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:12 am

Next part is here! ^^


"In the Nick of Time"

Winterleaf and Shalunia interrupted Istyros and his minions in the middle of sacrificing Chandira, but conflict is far from being over…

"Give up, fiend!" Winterleaf loomed over fallen Istyros. "Whatever your plan is it will not succeed!"

"Keep thinking like that, fool!" satyr spatted in reply. "Grundis will kill the girl, and the portal will open!"

Grundis had indeed risen on her feet, and held her blade on Chandira’s skin. “This blood-” she began to recite again.

"Shalunia!" Chandira cried. "Shalunia!"

Startled, Winterleaf turned to look towards the dwarf and draenei. She needed his help – sentinel was down, too. But he could not let warlock loose.

"-we will offer to you-" Grundis spoke quickly, ready to cut Chandira’s skin as soon as her invocation would be finished.

"No! Please, no!" draenei sobbed.

Suddenly, Voch appeared out of nowhere. “Mistress, stop!” imp yelled.

Grundis stared the imp a moment. “..Stop? Why?” she demanded.

"We can flee now. You can save yourself, Mistress!" Voch said. "Master is losing this, look!" Imp pointed towards Istyros and Winterleaf.

The druid had turned his attention back to Istyros, and stood over the snarling satyr. Flamehaired man was clearly defeated soon at this rate.

Grundis hesitated.

"Even if you sacrifice her now, it’s too late", Voch spoke quickly. "The right moment is over, Gate won’t open anymore."

Grundis nodded. “I trust you this time”, she whispered.

She took the imp, turned and ran as fast as she could.

Sound of running footsteps got Witerleaf’s attention. He looked after fleeing dwarf.

That short moment was enough to Istyros.

With swift kick he knocked the druid down, rising upright himself.

"The Key! By Twisting Nether! Where is it?" satyr cursed.

Frantic search bore fruits – bronzen disc lay nearby. With greedy hands Istyros snatched the artefact.

And blink of an eye later he was gone.

The ancient site was silent except soft sobs from still-tied Chandira.

These sobs wakened Shalunia finally. Disoriented she rose up, noticing abcence of satyr and his apprentice.

Chandira could just stare. “Thank the Light! You live!” she finally gasped.

"Takes more than one dwarf to take me down permanently", sentinel rasped, as she gingerly came to Chandira’s side.

"You are hurt", Chandira whispered, and Shalunia nodded. "Yes, but it is not fatal. Let me free you, and worry my injuries later."

"What about Winterleaf?" Chandira asked. Shalunia shook her head. "Cannot say at this distance – unconsious at least."

Chandira opened her mouth to protest, but Shalunia shoo her head again. “I will take care of you first. Then we can check the druid.”

With her knife Shalunia cut the ties from Chandira’s wrist and ankles. Gently she gathered shivering girl to her lap.

"We need some clothes to you before you freeze", she muttered.

Chandira nodded, and looked Shalunia. “Thank you for coming. I do not know how did you find me, but I am so glad you came.” She paused. “I feared-”

"Shhh, now, Chandira", Shalunia whispered. "I am here, you are safe now."


Will continue soon-ish. :D
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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 12/04!!

Postby Eseme » Fri Dec 05, 2014 2:08 pm

Yay, imp! And I am glad they are all OK.

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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 12/04!!

Postby chiyoyama » Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:44 am

wow, your story is amazing!!!!! I hope you do more soon! I'd love to see where it goes from here :)
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