Mmkay, getting the shelf meant other things had to move and other things and other things and let's vacuum and make sure there aren't any spiders wintering over and flip the mattresses and so on and so on and...
Can you spot where I put the Juku Coutures
I put the house on a couple of furniture dollies to make moving it and hunting dust bunnies easier, can reach the roof better but I lost the "garage" underneath. This is not how it will remain, just the clean up and packing away after website work. All the holders, tubs, bins and hat boxes infront are full. But seriously the two big pink ones are nice for putting doll clothes in.
The resins looking at one of the DVD shelves, Shi Shi's feet on the CDs.
The cop holder is up, but there's still no place for the two soldier holders yet.
Now it's a problem, I think it's an addiction now...