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Life in the Room [Photo Stories!]

Tales of love, death and more angst than you can shake a stick at - plus some comedy thrown in for good measure.

Re: Photo Stories!

Postby werepuppy » Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:14 am

"Is it no' an amazin' blade, Mac? Diana's lettin' me train wi' it... Never seen a blade so beautiful."
"... Aye. Beautiful."

"An' what are you two daeing so secretly?"
"Ach, Mum! We're just lookin' at this fine blade."
"Is that so?"

Elinor knows her daughter well. She knows Macintosh well too
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Re: Photo Stories!

Postby Eseme » Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:17 am

Great stories! Your dolls get up to a lot of fun.

I particularly like Mal shutting up Apple. I always found Apple to be pretty rude.

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Re: Life in the Room [Photo Stories!]

Postby werepuppy » Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:57 pm

As punishment, Loki has been cast down to live in the Room. He's not in the mood for it...

"What punishment is this? And in what realm does this pass as appropriate clothing?"

"Wednesday Addams."
"Loki. You arrived later than I had anticipated."
"How amusing, did I make my Loyal One worry?"
"I show loyalty to no Gods, Liesmith."
"This is true, but you have a fondness for me that I find... pleasing."
(Wednesday is not so much a follower of Loki as she is someone who finds him to be someone she can agree with. Loki is, of course, aware of this.)

"I have no quarrel with you, Amazon."
"I stand as a protector of this Room, Laufeyson. I will not allow your mischief to brew danger."
"I have no plans to bring such things here. Would you kindly inform your Bat friend of that as well?"

"This cannot be the life meant for me."
"It is."
"Odin truly detests me."
"Highly likely."
"...You're not good at consoling, are you?"
"If I was, you would not have me here."
"True enough, Loyal One."
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Re: Life in the Room [Photo Stories!]

Postby Eseme » Wed Jan 31, 2018 1:26 pm

Oh, to be cast down with the MORTALS! Horrors.

Oh Wednesday, don't ever change.

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Re: Life in the Room [Photo Stories!]

Postby werepuppy » Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:27 pm

"Thomas, I've been calling on you. I ... Oh!"
"Who is this ... Thomas?"

"I am Loki, of Asgard. The pleasure is yours."

"I beg your pardon, but what are you doing with my wife."
"I think the more intriguing question is what are you doing with my face. And why are you taller than me?"

"I assure you, I was merely showing your wife the manners of a true gentleman. It's hardly my fault if she's never experienced that before."
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Re: Life in the Room [Photo Stories!]

Postby werepuppy » Tue Feb 06, 2018 1:24 pm

@ davidd: Aww, thank you! I have to admit, she's the most fun to put into situations because she just has quite deadpan reactions
@ Esemee: Wednesday will never change. Becoming other than who she is would be incredibly boring.

- - -

"All I'm saying, Apple, is I don't think we can trust him of all people."
"Briar, I'm desperate. Mal's little spell has already affected my story - it's made Darling think she's meant to be my true love when we know it's Daring!"
"I... guess. But do you honestly want to risk being in his debt?"
"For my Happily Ever After, I'll risk anything."
"Fine. But I'm not going in there with you."
"I'm not asking. But... thank you!"
"I just hope this works for you..."

"Please, Lord Loki you HAVE to help me! This Fae child has stolen my Happily Ever After!"
"Even if I were the type to grant favours - my Loyal One will tell you that I am not - why should I help you?"
"When my Happily Ever After becomes real, I will be a Queen. I will... I will let people know of your greatness."
"They should know of that already. Hm. What do we have for dealing with the Fae, Loyal One?"
"This arrow has an iron tip."
"I don't want to kill her! I just ... I want my Happily Ever After back. The way it's meant to be!"
"Hm. I might be able to have some influence."
"Oh, thank you Lord Loki!"

"Oh, have you decided to pay attention to me and not your bow?"
"Are you going to help her?"
"I said I may have some influence. Influence is not help, Loyal One."
"She takes the words at face value... You think she would learn."
"She's a spoiled Princess. I've met many her type. I wonder what she thinks of you, Loyal One?"
"I have no interest. And if you continue to lie in this manner, I will stab you with my arrow."
"A threat?"
"A promise."
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Re: Life in the Room [Photo Stories!]

Postby Eseme » Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:27 am

Oh dear, Apple is determined to get "help" from all the wrong places. *sighs* This will not end well...

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Re: Life in the Room [Photo Stories!]

Postby werepuppy » Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:57 am

@Eseme: No, it very likely won't... But then again, Apple never does seem to sit down and think things through so... shooting herself in the foot, really.

B: I heard you were in town, Loki. I know your tricks. I won't let you
L: Get away with your evil? Please, save me the drivel.
B: Save me your condescending attitude.
L: Please. Is this the Champion Earth sends to fight a God?
B: I've taken on Gods before
L: Oh, I never said I was going to take you on

L: Not when my Loyal One is so silent and deadly
B: What?
W: I know of 15 unique ways to break this wrist with only the barest minimum of pressure.
B: I know 20
W: But who is in the position to use them?
B: ... Fair play. You protect him?
W: He is mine to torture
L: She's so possessive. Isn't it sweet?
B: I don't trust him
W: Who does?
B: Smart kid.

L: Well, that was an entertaining afternoon
W: You have a tendency to get into fights
L: I swear to Odin, it is not my intention.
W: You hate Odin
L: ... Your point?
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Re: Life in the Room [Photo Stories!]

Postby Eseme » Wed Feb 28, 2018 8:54 pm


Your dolls have attitude! Thanks for sharing their adventures.

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Re: Life in the Room [Photo Stories!]

Postby werepuppy » Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:35 pm

"I am not a lost child in need of guidance, Doctor. "
"No, but maybe a friend wouldn't hurt?"

The Doctor has known Loki since he was a child. Same with Thor. He's probably one of the few people who can actually be considered a friend to the God of Mischief

- - -

"Are you not pleased to see me, brother?"
"That depends. Are you going to put the hammer down? Preferably not on me."

- - -

"You serve Loki."
"I serve no-one."
"You follow him them?"
"Not exactly true."
"... What exactly does describe the nature of your intimacy with the trickster?"

Diana was curious as to why Wednesday lets Loki so close. She's not entirely sure she got an answer.
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