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How to curl doll hair?

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How to curl doll hair?

Postby DollyKim » Thu May 06, 2010 8:17 am

I'm getting some My Little Pony hair and I'd like a fool proof way to give it some curls or kinks. This will be loose and making a pony tail so no doll head to melt or what ever.
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Re: How to curl doll hair?

Postby maywong » Thu May 06, 2010 11:15 am

Try small straws for curls. As far as kinks try braiding. Pour hot water over either one of these methods.
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Re: How to curl doll hair?

Postby DollyKim » Thu May 06, 2010 11:54 am

After the hot water do I let it air dry or should it be cooled immediately?
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Re: How to curl doll hair?

Postby maywong » Thu May 06, 2010 4:38 pm

What I was told was to run it under cold water to set it. Then let it air dry.
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Re: How to curl doll hair?

Postby leopardessmoon » Tue May 11, 2010 9:37 pm

I have boil permed several Liv wigs now, and I have a bowl with a ice water setting next to the stove when I do it. I dunk the wig in near boiling water (no longer bubbling) swish very gently while count to 10. pull out and make sure the rollers are all still where they should be and dunk in ice water. I noticed that useing the icewater made the hair shinier and I got alot less frizzies on the tips.

tip for wrapping hair; use a cut up paper towel (paper towel will stay strong when wet) as end papers I use 2" by 3" strips. fold paper over ends of wet combed hair and start the wrap on the paper just beyond the hair. this gives a very smooth ends without crinkles at the tips. I also tend to use a little watered down conditioner to wet the hair when I wrap. it keeps strands from straying.

hope this is helpfull

Re: How to curl doll hair?

Postby DollyKim » Thu May 13, 2010 7:54 am

Big help, but what if I want frizzies? :P I've done rag curls on some of my Skippers so I'm familiar with how to wrap those, never thought of using paper towels. Have seen the use of twisty ties.
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Re: How to curl doll hair?

Postby DollyKim » Fri May 14, 2010 7:04 pm

I made several different thicknesses of braids out of the ponytail cut to the length I want the tail, six inches, and put it in hot water, then cold. I'm going to let it dry in the braids then undo them tomorrow. Had to remember the wet braid perms I used to give my Barbies.

At first I did one long braid and hot water which came out quite well but I wanted more body. Pics soon.
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Re: How to curl doll hair?

Postby Glace Leau » Fri May 14, 2010 7:23 pm

One alternate method I've heard for VERY curly/kinky hair is to run a scissor blade up the hair, like a giftwrapper does on ribbons. It takes forever since you can only do a tiny bit at a time, but it looks cool.
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Re: How to curl doll hair?

Postby DollyKim » Sat May 15, 2010 7:48 am

Did get good results with a 'braid octopus' in a bowl of water which I then nuked in the microwave. After I put the hair in a bowl of cold water, took out and bunched up in a small towel to dry over night. I wouldn't nuke a doll's head but the hair came out fine. The kinks are soft and can be coaxed in to other shapes.

The end of the tail going in Roger's back side had white glue put on it then I made a pointy round paintbrush like shape and it's drying.
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