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Konbanwa! ^_^

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Konbanwa! ^_^

Postby MidoriKurogami » Mon May 17, 2010 9:44 pm


Well, I call myself Midori on pretty much EVERY online community I belong to, but this is the first doll community I've joined! Just stumbled upon you guys today looking for Takara Licca clothing, and I loved the atmosphere so much I decided I'd move right in here, too. :D

Doll collecting is very new to me. I wasn't into dolls as a kid, but in the last couple months I've taken a fancy to them. I've been collection action figures for a couple of years now, and plushies for forever. <3

So here's what I got (if I can remember everything... :lol: )

Saikano action figure: Chise
Samurai Champloo action figure: Jin
Two Amy Brown Faeries
Pucca and Garu plushies
1950's Japanese baby doll (soon to be in the process of restoration)
1985 Japanese Kabuki doll (don't remember this brother's name, but he's the one with the long red hair and flowers)
1987 Kami doll, received by my fiance on his 1st birthday
Various 'How To Train Your Dragon' action figures (I'm a dragon FANATIC! :D )
Disney 'It's A Small World' Japanese doll
Two Takara Licca dolls (soon to be MORE, as well as Jenny dolls!)
Newer-made Japanese doll in traditional clothing; exact age unknown. She's made of some sort of plastic
lots of reptilian, draconian and feline Beanie Babies, as well as one bat! ^_^
Plushies of all sorts: bears, dragons. frogs, turtles and lizards, as well as two large, round, ADORABLE sheep! ^_^
Other parts of my dragon collection that have not been mentioned
Lots of anime, manga and music (too much to mention here; ask!)
Collection of swords, both new-made and antique (not dolls I know, but they're a huge part of my life as a martial artist and definitely worth mentioning)
My pets! (you'll just have to ask on this one. :D )
Aaand I think that sums it up for now! I've recently began making jewelry and I'm hoping to begin making doll jewelry soon!

Nice to meet you all!


Midori. ^_^

Re: Konbanwa! ^_^

Postby Greyhaunt » Mon May 17, 2010 10:17 pm

Welcome Welcome! And congratulations - you are our 100th member!!! No prize, I'm afraid, but lots of statisfaction I hope :)

Frm the looks of your collection I'd say you fit right in here at the sanctuary. While most of us come here from the BJD world - pretty much all of us have other doll interests too. I've probably got about 20 various Jennies, her friends and Liccas laying around in various stages of restoration, plus my Momokos, and assorted action figures.

Feel free to jump right in!
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Re: Konbanwa! ^_^

Postby MidoriKurogami » Mon May 17, 2010 10:21 pm

*Squee!* Thank you! ^_^

Wow restoration huh? I'm just starting on that. The lil' guy in my avatar will be my first project; I just hope between my fiance and I, we don't mess it up. x.x

I see you're in AZ. I grew up in Tombstone. :D Always nice to meet a fellow desert dweller, haha. I now live in the desert in California. It isn't nearly as harsh, but not as pretty, either. :-/

Re: Konbanwa! ^_^

Postby Greyhaunt » Mon May 17, 2010 10:56 pm

Where in CA? I was just at a BJD convention in Fresno so I may have driven right past you today as I was coming home :)

sigh...yep, I grew up here in the desert - but I lost my heart to the mountains when I lived 6 years in Denver.

With the jenny dolls, restoring amounts to cleaning them, rerooting the hair if it's not salvageable (and some of mine definitely are not) and putting the heads on obitsu bodies if their original bodies are too messed up...which is sadly true of many of the Jenny dolls I picked up. Everything from legs that have turned yellow (as in little baby powder yellow!) to ones that have been chewed (by dogs or children, I'm not sure which). I plan on repainting a few of them too :)
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Re: Konbanwa! ^_^

Postby MidoriKurogami » Mon May 17, 2010 11:29 pm

Fresno is quite a bit farther north than I am. I'm in the Inland Empire, AKA the high desert. I moved from the San Gabriel mountains--in the middle of the Angles Crest forest--to the flatlands during the wildfires last year. I miss the trees and the quaint little cabins, but i don't miss being an hour away from everything, trekking through the snow, or, of course, the fires.

Haha, my family is originally from Colorado (Canon City, to be precise). I've only been once and I don't remember it, but I'm told it is very lovely there. :)

Wow you sound like a veritable Jenny doll doctor! What would cause the legs to turn yellow? My two Licca dolls are brand new (one hasn't even been removed from the box yet) so preventative maintenance is important to me. Also, I'm on the lookout for people who can make 9" doll clothes, because my skills right now are subpar and there's a few outfits I would like to see come to fruition for one of my Licca dolls. I'd like to begin creating dolls; what all can you tell me about Obitsu bodies? I have something in mind and I think they may work fir that purpose. ;)

Sorry to bombard with newbie questions. I promise I did read through the board before I asked, and I have been researching for several months now. XD

Also, your avatar...is that from Angel Sanctuary?

Thank you very much for the welcome, the chat and the info! ^_^

Re: Konbanwa! ^_^

Postby Iwa_Hoshi » Tue May 18, 2010 5:07 am

Welcome to the board. I used to collect plushie (got a zooful of them) and Street Fighter action figures until I realised I'm limited by space. :lol: Now I have a bunch of 1/6 dolls trying to take over my living space.

Hope you have fun here
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Re: Konbanwa! ^_^

Postby Medieval » Tue May 18, 2010 5:44 am

Hi there! *waves*

Obitsu bodies are great and come in several sizes. I posted a couple of pictures of my Kurhn heads on 27cm Obitsu bodies on the 1/6th forum http://www.dolliehsanctuary.com/sanctuary/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=156. Take a look, as the nakkid girly gives you a good look at joints etc.

Here's another good link to have a look at http://www.parabox.jp/eng/o_body.html as it gives you further pictures of all the various sizes.

There, that's enough for you to be getting on with. Welcome aboard. ;)

Re: Konbanwa! ^_^

Postby maywong » Tue May 18, 2010 3:00 pm

Hi and welcome.
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Re: Konbanwa! ^_^

Postby MidoriKurogami » Tue May 18, 2010 7:34 pm

Thank you very much everybody! I'm checking those links now, Medieval. I appreciate the info, the stories and the welcome! :D

Re: Konbanwa! ^_^

Postby Jade_Hunter » Wed May 19, 2010 8:35 pm

welcome to the fun


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