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1 Surprising Ethan - Orchid's story

Tales of love, death and more angst than you can shake a stick at - plus some comedy thrown in for good measure.

1 Surprising Ethan - Orchid's story

Postby Valli » Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:18 am

Orchid called Ethan and told him to expect something different. She wanted to surprise him with her transformation.

She saw Ethan scanning the street as she pulled up not far from him. She smiled to herself. 'He doesn't recognize me.'

As she got out of her new sports car and shut the door, she felt really nervous. "Ethan!"

Ethan heard his name and responded immediately waving in greeting...

... but the vision of loveliness standing before him made him catch his breath.
'This can't be Orchid.' he thought.

"Ethan, it's me, Orchid."

"Babe, you're gorgeous! I'd never have recognized you. I know you said to expect something different, but this..."
he whistled a long slow undulating sound of admiration.

"So you like what you see?" She said in her most sexy voice.

And then suddenly felt shy as he came towards her.
"Like it? You must be joking... I LOVE what I see and what I see is MY girlfriend and she is FIT!"

"Really!" She said with surprise, totally shattering the sexy image she was trying to convey. "I mean... reeaally." reverting back to the sexy voice.
Ethan smiled holding out his arms... "Give me a hug Orchid."

"I think you're super sexy and beautiful, but you don't need to put on any act to convince me. I like you no matter how you look or what car you drive. You can be yourself with me."

She felt a wave of relief wash over her and hugged him in return. "Thanks and sorry for the daft sexy voice."

"No need to apologize." he said as he closed her door. "Where are we going?"

"My flat, if that's ok with you." This was the first time he'd been to her place. Up until now they'd always been on neutral ground. This was a sure sign the relationship had gone up another level.
"Fine by me."

continued in next post
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Re: 1 Surprising Ethan - Orchid's story

Postby Valli » Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:52 pm

As their hands touched, the electricity between them was unmistakable.

They looked into each other's eyes...

"Ethan, are you... I mean do you... um perhaps think we should..."
"... not rush things?" he finished for her.

"There is no need because a good thing is worth savouring. Right?" he smiled and gestured for her to drive.
"Right... and Ethan?"
"You're the best." She drove them along the coast to her flat and the deepening of their very special friendship.

continued in next post...
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Re: 1 Surprising Ethan - Orchid's story

Postby Valli » Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:15 pm

They arrived at her flat, removed their jackets and entered the lounge.
"I've just finished decorating. What do you think?"

"It really suits you. The new you."

"It's too much... too OTT? I knew it... trust me to take something to extremes."

"No, I really like and it definitely suits you."

"Come on... would I lie to you? I love the place and your new look. It all works."

"You're not just saying that, you really love it... all of it?" she asked tentatively.

"Orchid, stop worrying. Let me show you what I really think." He drew her into his arms.

and kissed her... gently at first.

She returned his kiss.

Passion building...

"Have you finished your bedroom?"

"My bedroom?"

"What! We're not going that far."

She pushed him away from her..."This is meant to be a PG13 not an 18 rating!"
"Yeah, right. Forgot about the kiddy element."

"Sorry... how about you just sit with me. I promise no more bedroom talk."

continued in next post...
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Re: 1 Surprising Ethan - Orchid's story

Postby Valli » Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:38 pm

"OK... but first I'll get the tea." At least we'll be too busy to kiss then, even though I did really enjoy it.

Ethan spotted the guitar case opposite him. "I didn't know you played."

"I'm learning, actually. Want to see it?"

She got up and set the case on the coffee table.
"That is wicked... do you mind if I take it out?"
"Please be my guest."

He strummed it, adjusted a few strings then proceeded to play a sweet melodic tune.

He played beautifully, flowing easily into a more rhythmic beat...

...that Orchid was soon clapping along to and then wonder of wonders he began to sing. She'd never heard a more wonderous voice. Eventually he stopped and returned the guitar to its case.

"Now it's my turn to be surprised. You have a real gift, Ethan. You are so talented it makes me want to give up and simply enjoy you playing it."
Ethan's cheeks glowed with the compliment. "Thanks, but don't give up. I'd be happy to teach you if you wanted."
"Yes, ok and Ethan, if you want to borrow the guitar you can. Would you mind playing some more? I loved listening to you."

So he played and sang just for her.

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Re: 1 Surprising Ethan - Orchid's story

Postby Dark Angel » Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:25 pm


Lol @
She pushed him away from her..."This is meant to be a PG13 not an 18 rating!"
"Yeah, right. Forgot about the kiddy element."
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Re: 1 Surprising Ethan - Orchid's story

Postby richila » Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:51 pm

So cute together.
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Re: 1 Surprising Ethan - Orchid's story

Postby Valli » Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:15 am

Thanks Dark Angel & Richila. Yes, thought things were getting a bit too heavy for a family based site. *ggg*
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Re: 1 Surprising Ethan - Orchid's story

Postby Tira-chan » Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:47 pm

So cute together! I hate to admit it, but I had to laugh at the "eye to eye" shot, though - their heads are on VERY different scales!
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Re: 1 Surprising Ethan - Orchid's story

Postby Valli » Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:46 am

I love that shot. It made me giggle, too. Yes, she has a big head and he has big feet, so they sort of balance. hahahaha
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