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Poniehs - Old Skool

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 8:09 pm
by Mary Kathryn
Poniehs R serious business. U wear serious face when u luk at mah poniehs!

A flocked pony I rescued from the depths of hell in a flea market. She was a little moldy but I soaked her and got it off without removing the flocking...

...sadly didn't work on this one and all the flocking came off.


Firefly. I purchased her off ebay because she was my favorite as a kid.

I can't remember the next two ponies' names - I also got them off e-bay because I had them as a kid. Sense a theme here?


Some random ponies I picked up in my travels


Re: Poniehs - Old Skool

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 8:16 pm
by AlmySidaKay
Omg I had the white one, I remember it so well, and I had a fuzzy one too, oh man I wonder where they all ended up.

Re: Poniehs - Old Skool

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 9:02 pm
by SillyLilPuppet
I have both of the white ones, and used to have the Firefly :3 The old ones were always my favorites. They all have personality, most of the remakes just look like different colored versions of the same pony (though the new cartoon is love <3)
Actually the white pony is a rather common one I keep getting in bait lots in bad condition, she's a fave for repainting.
Thats a Sundance under the paint and new hair, made for my gram last Valentines Day.
Hmm... should take a pic one day of all of them lined up.

Re: Poniehs - Old Skool

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 9:35 pm
by Lokiholic
They're cute! You're making me want to get mine out, but I don't have the space to display them. I don't even have enough room for my current doll hoard... gah.

Re: Poniehs - Old Skool

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 10:57 pm
by Gift_in_Edge
Oh! I had Firefly too. :D

Re: Poniehs - Old Skool

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 1:07 am
by Kd_Bunchanumbers
I'm insanely creeped out by the flocked ponies. So I'm biased saying the flockless pony looks much better now haha.

I reallllly want to get a baity Big Brother pony and turn him into Big Mac from the new FiM series, but I'm really uncomfortable at the amount of fixing versus customizing the pony community has.

But yeah. I really love your G1 ponies and hope I get one of my own some day....

Re: Poniehs - Old Skool

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 8:31 am
by Mary Kathryn
Flocking just seems like a bad choice for children's toys. :lol: I remembered the one with the bedazzled eyes is named Fizzy.

Love the Valentine custom. Beautiful!

Re: Poniehs - Old Skool

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 8:46 am
by landwhale
As an adult, the flocking looks awesome. Might not be for little kids but i like how it looks on the ponies...

SillyLIlPuppet is right. The old ponies havea lot more personality than the new ones. I wonder what it is? Maybe just that the poses are different?

Re: Poniehs - Old Skool

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 9:05 am
by Iwa_Hoshi
I never knew some ponies were flocked, either that or they never flocked over to this part of the world.

Re: Poniehs - Old Skool

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 11:20 am
by Stormlight
Firefly! *hearts* She was my very first pony. My grandma bought her for me. And I had that white one, too! I forget; didn't she come with something? I'm thinking either a human girl, or some outfit? Or maybe a pony stable. lol It seems she came in a pack with something.

I had a sparkle-eyed pony, and a flocked pony. Just not those.

Gah. Must resist the call of Ebay. lol I definitely like the look of the originals better than the new ones. Dem newbies ain't Ponies like I remembers 'em!