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Polly Pocket (modern, not vintage)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:42 pm
by Evelien
When I visit toyshops, I still find myself eyeing everything like a little kid and liking what I see. Sometimes just looking at stuff without actually buying it is enough, like beautiful Barbies I know I won't use, or the cute-but-not-cute-enough LPS Blythes, or other pretty things. But... then there's the little modern Polly Pocket dolliehs. For some reason I can't leave them on the shelf. So far I only have one, a little one with red hair, but I want MORE.

These are the little Pollies I'm talking about, the ones with the big eyes:


Some of them have hard plastic hair, like this one:


.. aaand some of them have fiber hair, which I prefer:


And then there's the grail Polly... yes, really, lol. Since about six months I have been watching this particular little Polly closely. She's been on sale a few times but since she comes with a house, she's never been cheaper than €15, which I can get her for at the moment as well, but it's still too much considering I only want the teeny tiny dollieh and not the house. Ack. Why won't they sell this blonde beauty without the home set?! :( I NEED HER :(


Am I the only one drooling over these pretties? XD. I'm using my bigger dolls as an excuse.. "Yeah, they collect dolls too" XD

I'll go shopping for them on Friday again. In my home town I couldn't find any (besides the blonde one with the house...), hopefully in Apeldoorn they'll have more :)

(P.S.: My little red haired Polly is starring in an old photostory I did, linky:
viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2456 )


Re: Polly Pocket (modern, not vintage)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:17 pm
by OkamiKodomo
Haha very cute! I still have my vintage Polly Pockets... I remember when they came out with the new ones, I was crazy disappointed, because they weren't in those little pocket-sized compacts.

Re: Polly Pocket (modern, not vintage)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:20 pm
by Evelien
Oh I do remember those tiny vintage ones... As a kid I was *completely* intrigued by that little world inside the little case... until I saw one in real life from a friend, and realized you can't do much with it because it's all so tiny lol! But I still love them for some reason, perhaps it's just the idea of the tiny world in a shell that grabs me :)

Re: Polly Pocket (modern, not vintage)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:40 pm
by myotishia
I loved the vintage ones. I had one with a tiny white cat that I carried everywhere I went. I think it's the faces on the new ones I'm not a fan of. And they're not so pocket-y anymore.

Re: Polly Pocket (modern, not vintage)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:44 pm
by Evelien
The vintage ones can be found everywhere for a few dollars/euros. I might pick one up at some point :).

I found a second hand house-with-grail-Polly online, I contacted the seller asking if she'd consider selling only the doll, lol!

Re: Polly Pocket (modern, not vintage)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:20 pm
by AlmySidaKay
I dunno if Polly isn't a choking hazard, she's just not Polly Pocket to me.

Re: Polly Pocket (modern, not vintage)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:24 pm
by Evelien
Meh. I'll use this topic to talk to myself and post my new girls just for myself to look at then :lol:

Re: Polly Pocket (modern, not vintage)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:12 pm
by EAB
I like the little red haired mermaid.

Re: Polly Pocket (modern, not vintage)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:21 pm
by Evelien
She looks a bit like Ariel from the Little Mermaid doesn't she :D

Re: Polly Pocket (modern, not vintage)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:13 pm
by SillyLilPuppet
I have one of the more modern ones, though its about ten years old by now, with the little rubber outfits. Also had a Sabrina (from the Sabrina The Teenage Witch preteen-version cartoon that ran for a while) that was made very similarly, and could share clothes. They both lived in my dollhouse for years even though they were slightly underscaled.

Somewhere over my gram's is an old suitcase FULL of the original Pollys. Had so many little compacts, plus a fancy mansion playset too. There's even a big one called Lucy Locket, it looks like a giant Polly compact, opens up the same with a house inside, and there was a doll about three inches tall with the round foot base like Polly. I think it even came with a Polly as the doll's doll. My gram got my brothers a bunch of Mighty Max toys too, the boy version of Polly Pocket. She liked getting us them because they were small, cheap, and self contained, so she could keep one in her purse whenever she needed to keep us entertained as little kids.