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How to compensate for a "jowly" face?

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How to compensate for a "jowly" face?

Postby Linainversetsg » Tue Apr 01, 2014 5:34 am

I ordered a doll head and it came with a second freebie. I'd like to actually use it because it's a fairly cute sculpt. However, it's a little bit jowly and I'm not sure what to do to make it less so.

The sculpt I'm talking about is on the left. I'd like some tips maybe on shading or something to help minimize that jowly appearance.
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Re: How to compensate for a "jowly" face?

Postby Faydreams » Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:24 am

Well there are two ways of doing that, and both have their benefits as well as their draw backs.

You can paint the face for shaping but unless you are really really good at blending it will end up looking like it was painted. This is the faster method and the easier one. The other benefit is if you don't like the look later you can take the paint back off and redo it.

The second method is resculpting the face. It requires more time, patience, and a lot of work. It ends up looking more natural from all angles but it is also permanent once you start. Here is a tutorial on that one,

http://www.dolls-n-daggers.com/Dolls/OO ... inting.php

Like I said there are two ways of doing it, and possibly more that I do not know about. Have fun, and good luck.
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Re: How to compensate for a "jowly" face?

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:40 pm

There's also the method SetsunaKou uses, which is basically sewing through the ears to pull the face in

Here is a post with the basic instructions in
Here is a post with pics of heads she's done that to (with the unslimmed head with it)
And finally, here is a post with a link to a video explaining it
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