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My model from Zapf (for my daughter)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 2:06 pm
by Lif
My daughter just had her birthday wish come true. She has gotten a beautiful "my model" from Zapf creations. She was trilled to finally be able to do make up on a doll. Comb the hairs and well "style" her in her own way (poor doll.. XD)
But since my daughter only just turned 5 shes not that carefull with her make up yet. Which results in a "black and blue" look for the doll. But also an almost cleaned out make up stash on the very first day she has this beautifull doll.
SO as I was wondering what to do about this I thought well... as some other play line dolls people also collect, this too is made out of pvc. So maybe some of you could give me some nice tips as to what I could do to make my daughter her own make up line (else this little present will leave me bankruped soon!).
Is there a way I might make some make up out of soft pastels and maybe something else like vaseline or something which will not stain the doll and can be easely cleaned off by using hand soap or something?
You would be making my daughter (and me) VERY happy with the info!


Re: My model from Zapf (for my daughter)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 2:42 pm
by DollyKim
Chalk pastels should be safe. You can ground them or rub cotton swabs or make-up sponges on them then use that to apply to the doll.

Re: My model from Zapf (for my daughter)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:16 am
by Lif
Thank you! Do I need to spray MSC on the head before that or is it ok to let her use it this way? And can I use vaseline to make the soft pastel more like a paste? Or is that harmfull to the plastic? And if not what could be used?

Re: My model from Zapf (for my daughter)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:44 am
by DollyKim
Personally I've never used MSC so I can't say.

I don't think Vaseline is a good idea because oil and plastic don't mix. Chalk pastels, acrylic paint, and water colors work with plastic.

Re: My model from Zapf (for my daughter)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:42 am
by zirconmermaid
and most definitely spray the doll, several light coats are best.