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Straightening a Yarn Wig

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:07 pm
by fieraentara
This is my first tutorial, please be nice. If you have questions or find a typo please let me know.

Ok so here we go!!! Be sure to read all the way through before you attempt this.


So this is the wig we're going to work with. This was not made by me.


What you will need:
Iron (set to a medium setting, I use "wool" on mine. Also kids please ask your parents help with ironing, it's hot)
Glass of water
Comb with wide and small teeth
and of course your wig


First off section the wig into workable lengths. It helps to have clips to hold the groups but you could also use pony o's.


Now dunk the small group in the water making sure it is completely saturated. Then squeeze out the excess.


Using the large teeth gently comb once through jus to seperate the strands.

Please be careful when you put the iron on the wig, there will be a lot of steam and it hurts to be burnt by it! Slowly iron the strands flat and turn over and repeat till it is pretty dry.


This is what you should have right now. Yay!


Now we're going to start making it softer. Start again with the large teeth and start to comb out the strands. Do not be alarmed when you pull out a lot of the fibers, this is what you want.


After you get as much as you can out, do the same with the smaller teeth. You will get a lot more fiber out with the smaller, it'll be ok, I promise.


This is what you should be left with now.


And this is what I pulled out of just that one section.

Now the fun part. Keep doing this over and over till you have the entire wig done. It took me about an hour to do this one which is about a size 5.


This is right after the last ironing, it still needs styled... etc.


And this is what I pulled out. Scary isn't it?


Of course Emma was my model... she seemed a bit happier with this wig. Lol


Your wig will also become longer once it is straightened, so take that into consideration when you make/ buy it.


Also if you do make your wig I highly suggest doing a weft at the top. If you choose to just do the plugs the top will become very thin and the cap/ head will show through...

So that is my tiny tutorial. If you have questions or if you try it out for yourself please let me know!

Re: Straightening a Yarn Wig

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:42 pm
by landwhale
Great! Thanks for the tutorial. I think i might look into this for my smaller dolls since its so hard to find wigs for them.

Re: Straightening a Yarn Wig

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 6:37 am
by PBnJ
Thanks for sharing the how-to! I've done a couple yarn wigs but didn't straighten the 'hair'. When using wool yarn do you have to worry about it felting or pilling after a while of playing with it or after cleaning it again?

Re: Straightening a Yarn Wig

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:05 am
by Gift_in_Edge
Thanks so much for sharing!

Now where did I put that iron.

Re: Straightening a Yarn Wig

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:00 am
by fieraentara
PBnJ- I'm not sure on the wool yarn, I have only used the cheapy walmart brand yarn.

Re: Straightening a Yarn Wig

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:01 am
by AlmySidaKay
Great tutorial, thanks so much!