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Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:31 am
by zirconmermaid
So Sapphire, "Pink Witch of the North"!? "Pastel Princess"!!? And I would be extremely upset if anything should happen to Diamond or her charges!

Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:48 am
by Misheru
I am thrilled to have finally caught up with the whole story! Thanks for the masters behind the MH site for getting the episodes there. :D

Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:39 am
by Swan
I've reread the story in full now, about three times... EACH time I find stuff I missed last time! LOVE IT!

So far, the story, whiuch has taken some three years to play out in episodes (not sure exactly how long) has covered the events of one school year. If you take the "shoe stealing " episode, and go forward, in time, it's only been one school year, because when Anna Marie changed into Pinky, she missed a lot of school... which is referred to in the section where they get their final grades, this point in the story time is summer vacation of that school year.

At this rate, it will take about ten years (our time) for the girls to finish school. :D NOT that I'm MINDING! LOL I'll be here in ten years' time and I bet all of you will also!


Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:19 am
by cirquemom
It's okay, because I think vinyl time in general is not like human time, not to mention the fact that these aren't humans but elves, nekomimis, etc, who have different life spans and rates of maturing.
It's best just to ignore any perceived time incongruencies.

Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:26 pm
by K2!
One of the biggest issues involving the passage of "MADh Vinyl" time is the length of time it takes to tell a story and the time that passes in that story. As with the Miss Demeanor story, all those episodes ran over a 10 week period, while the amount of time that passed in the story was about 4 days. The first 8 episodes of the story encompass about 2 1/2 hours.

The other big "MV time" issue is will things be cyclical or linear? Will Anna Marie and Miyuki go to school year after year without advancing (like Lisa and Bart in the Simpsons) or will they continue to age and progress through school and beyond.

Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:10 pm
by Swan
Well... the question is... there are three "ages" of Anna Marie: Pinky-chan, Anna Marie and Anna Marie-sama... and if you take Hazel's comment, there is the "kitten" age, possibly infancy. We've seen all three "ages" which means, I think, that AM is somehow "unhooked from time" from time to time, as it were. I wonder... with sufficient cause/provokation/force, could the other nekomimis, Hyacinth and Miyuki, be similarly "unhooked" Can Diamond? We know that Hyatt survived her death and was transferred back to "a dark place" by Pinky-chan, and she communicated to Anna Marie. Perhaps Hyatt has become a "younger" version of her self... a subroutine perhaps or Hyatt 1.0! Diamond and Sapphire live linear lives, as far as we have seen. I wonder what a younger version of Miyuki or Hyacinth would look like!

Perhap[s the "kitten" is Anna Marie 1.0, Pinky-chan is Anna Marie 1.01, Anna Marie herself is Version 2.0 and Anna Marie-sama is Version 3.0 ! LOL

And... are we EVER gonna see a gUY?!! So far we've had references to a few, but none, other than the Professor himself, offscreen!

I love it! Keep us on the edge, Farn... er... K2! We love it!


Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:53 pm
by zirconmermaid
I love the periodic episodes like the Myth-busters and the episode where we got to see the older versions. I don't see why we can't just have both! They do it in Anime all the time. And I can't believe that it's been that long since MADh Vinyl started, either! WOW! Time does fly when you're having fun!

Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:25 am
by Misheru
I swear that K2 has completely changed my whole world with these stories. Everytime I see a Haruka face anywhere, I picture a nekomimi. If I see pink wigs, I think Anna-Marie. Each time I look at Highlander's Gretel (yet to be faced-up) standing in the bedroom, I think Diamond!


Now my son is addicted. Each time he sees me on DS, he wants to read a few more 'neko' stories. He asks every day, "Has Miyuki found out if Hyacinth is a vampire yet?" :lol:

You need them published. A nekomimi graphic novel. :D

Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:29 am
by K2!
zirconmermaid wrote:Image
So Sapphire, "Pink Witch of the North"!? "Pastel Princess"!!? And I would be extremely upset if anything should happen to Diamond or her charges!

A thousand pardons, Your Grace. I meant you no threat or insult. You know I hold you and your position in the highest regard. Being Diamond’s elder sister, you know having younger sisters yourself, it is my duty to mercilessly encourage my dearest younger sister in the name of furthering her education. Decades of such practice has served to strengthened her resolve as well as hone her numerous other skills. Skills which she must rely on to serve you properly. I would be remiss in my duties as her senior if I did not minister to her thusly.

Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:36 am
by K2!
Swan wrote:And... are we EVER gonna see a gUY?!! So far we've had references to a few, but none, other than the Professor himself, offscreen!

It could happen. But he would have to be a very special guy.