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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:55 pm
by she_flame
I have thought that too, but then new readers had to find the earlier parts and that could be tricky (and I, too, like to keep this whole thing in one place).

I could maybe update the header with date of newest update? Or make list of parts in first post (with links in the different parts).

Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:55 am
by Trethowan
she_flame wrote:I have thought that too, but then new readers had to find the earlier parts and that could be tricky (and I, too, like to keep this whole thing in one place).

I could maybe update the header with date of newest update? Or make list of parts in first post (with links in the different parts).

that's how I used to do mine. I numbered the subject line and put links at the top. One problem about keeping it in one place too is eventually the thing will be really hard to load. Slow internet and the like. But hey, it's all good, however you wanna do it. I do wish it were easier to keep up with stories, mine are scattered all over the place. It's very hard to find individual episodes.

Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:35 am
by she_flame
Any way you do it, it's hard. :D

Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.4 3/13

PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 12:30 am
by she_flame
Next part is up! Sorry for bit blurry pictures - cell phone camera and too little light is not good combo. ^^;


Part five: "Easier said than done."

"After I have reported to Raene Wolfrunner, I promise, I’ll see that you will get that message to Forest Song."

"Really? You would really do it yourself, and not just push me on some one else?"

"Yes, Chandira of Exodar. I will promise that."

Chandira smiled, feeling like maybe things would turn out good, after all.

Neither of females had noticed small creature, which climbed out from it’s hiding place.

"Not so fast, ladies. I want that scroll", creature spoke with high, raspy voice.

Chandira and Shalunia turned towards the creature. “What is that? An imp?” Chandira gasped.

She knew about the little demons, but never had saw one before. She felt more curious than scared about the intruder.

Shalunia seemed to feel differently. Quickly she draw her weapon and moved between Chandira and the imp. “Stay where you are, fel-creature!” she commanded.

"Your bravado is futile. Just let the horn-girl give the letter to me, and I’ll bother you no more", the imp said, smirking. "Otherwise things will turn ugly."

"No! I’ll not!" Chandira protested. She didn’t want to give the message to anyone – least to this creature.

As soon as Chandira has said her deny, Shalunia knocked the little demon over with a swift movement. “Run back to to your master, or this will truly turn ugly. To you.”

The imp did not seem affected by Shalunia’s threat.”Put the sword down, silly elf. Killing me just sends me to the Twisting Nether, and my Mistress can summon me again. And then we all know that message to be something really important.”

Callous way the creature spoke killing and death made Chandira shiver with fear. Now she wasn’t curious anymore. “Please, Shalunia”, she pleaded, unsure of what exactly.

"Please, what? Have the elf kill me? Not to kill me?", imp laughed shrilly, not even bothering to stand up. "You both are pathetic."

"Why you even want this? It’s not for you", Chandira asked, holding the message tight.

"Don’t speak to it", Shalunia said. Imp stopped it’s laughing, casting a dark look to the elf.

Little demon clambered up. “Playtime is over, girls”, it hissed. And the next moment it just disappeared.

Chandira stared the empty stone floor. “Where did it go?” She felt Shalunia tense, as the elf quickly looked around.

"Not that far."

Chandira shrieked, as she felt eerie weight to appear her lap. Shalunia at her side sprang into movement towards the imp.

"Stop! Or I’ll roast you both alive!"

Shalunia froze, her hand hovering still over the hilt of her sword. Chandira could only stare little demon on her lap – it was too close to her comfort.

"Now, horn-girl. That letter", imp rasped, holding out it’s hands.

"Shalunia, what should we do?" Chandira whispered. The elf leaned closer.

"Give the message. Your life is more important than the scroll", she said after a long stretch of silence.

Chandira turned slowly her to look at Shalunia, who nodded. “Let the little beast have it.” Her voice was tight with anger.

With trembling hands, Chandira relinquished the scroll.

Imp let out victorious yell, grasping the scoll. Instant later it vanished from Chandira’s lap.

"I’ll never get that letter back!" Chandira cried, wringing her hands.

"Yes, you will, Chandira", Shalunia said curtly. "Don’t panic." In a gentler tone she continued, "we can track it down, as I think to know who is the Mistress that imp spoke."

"We? You think I should be coming with you?"

"Of course you come with me. It’s your letter, after all."



Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.5 3/22

PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:13 am
by jemlovecraft
The plot thickens! That imp seems quite nasty... and I do wonder what the significance of the letter is. I can't wait for the next installment! :)

Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.5 3/22

PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 6:49 pm
by Eseme
I love the setting. Great story. Exciting developments.

Looks like there is an issue with one of the pics.


Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.5 3/22

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:44 am
by she_flame
Eseme, thanks for pointing out that not working pic! I'll fix it asap.

Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.5 3/22

PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:53 pm
by Jobee
I love this! I read it earlier in your blog. It's so cool!

Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.5 3/22

PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:24 pm
by she_flame
Jobee, thanks! ^^

Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.5 3/22

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:44 am
by she_flame
Enjoy! ^^


"Something unexpected"

With speed Shalunia packed their meager possessions, and urged Chandira to get into her outer clothes. “We must hurry with speed. I know where imp’s Mistress were last camping, but she may have moved her lair”, elf told, tying her own cloack on. And so the safety of the little cave was left behind.

Shalunia led them to north, through still and silent morning. Chandira walked behind the elf, watching the forest around them. Atmosphere seemed calm, and only other living things were few birds singing high in trees. Chandira felt her curiosity spark once more.

"Where are all the animals, Shalunia? I thought there would be some, but birds?" she asked, looking around, trying to see, if there would be some small ones hiding in the snow.

Shalunia sighed. “Most of them are sleeping whole winter, and the rest are mostly awake at dusk and dawn. Now walk, no talking.” After that, elf lapsed into silence again.

"So, which animals are awake at winter? Deers, foxes? Do some birds sleep whole time, or are they all awake like those singing?" Chandira kept asking, despite Shalunia’s order.

"And where are we going? Does the place have a name, or is it just forest like everything here?"

"Yes, it has a name", Shalunia snapped, as she halted and turned to look Chandira. "If you really must know, we are going to near the border of Felwood."

"And you must understand, that more closer to Felwood we go, more dangerous the forest will be", elf explained. "This is serious, Chandira, not some fun-and-games."

Chandira looked down, embarassed of her own childish behavior. “I apologize, Shalunia. I meant not to irritate you.” And she meant what she said, Chandira did not wish to anger her companion. “This is just so different from what I am used to. I- I am just curious.”

"You can ask questions, but not now", Shalunia explained with irritation. "The learning the forest can wait, we must consentrate on finding the little thief and it’s Mistress."

"Yes, you are right", Chandira agreed. "But can we stop for a while, the snow makes walking so hard work", Chandira pleaded. Her feet ached from all walking she had done in last days.

"A short rest might not be bad idea for you", Shalunia noted.

Soon they found a bit more sheltered place nearby, and Shalunia spead her fur out for Chandira to sit on. Chandira stretched out her tired feet. “Oh, the bliss”, she laughed. “Cup of steaming-hot tea would make this perfect.”

"We will need food and drink soon", Shalunia said, looking sharply the forest around them.

"Don’t you want to sit down, Shalunia?" Chandira asked, and elf shook her head in answer. "I am not in need of rest. There are fresh tracks of rabbits nearby, so I’ll try to get some food for us", she said.

"Are you going to be away for long? I really don’t want to be alone…"

"I’ll be back as soon as I can, girl", Shalunia reassured gently. "You will be fine."

And with that, the elf started walking away, moving more swiftly than earlier, her feet light on fresh snow.

Chandira felt suddenly cold and anxious. What if something would happen to her? Or to Shalunia? What if her leg wound would open again?

Quickly she rose, and gathered Shalunia’s fur from ground.

"Shalunia! Wait!"

Elf turned. “What are you doing, Chandira? Is something wrong?”

"I am not going to be alone here!"

"I can’t take you to hunting with me, you’d scare the game", Shalunia tried to explain.

Chandira just grasped the fur tighter, “I do not want be alone here. Shalunia, please!”

For a long moment they just stared each others.

"Alright, then. Come with me, we’ll continue together. But you must promise, you’ll be silent and stop instanttly any movement if I say so."

Chandira let out joyous cry, and dashed towards Shalunia.

She dropped the fur she had been holding, and hugged tightly surprised elf.

"What ever you say, Shala! I’ll be good!"

"Chandira, what are you doing? Let go of me!" Shalunia protested, but didn’t try to loosen the embrace.

Chandira smiled. “You have to get used to this, if we travel together”, she said. “I like to hug my friends, you see.”


Next part will be up after easter at earliest.