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Evolution of a relationship pt.1 99% Ape

Tales of love, death and more angst than you can shake a stick at - plus some comedy thrown in for good measure.

Evolution of a relationship pt.1 99% Ape

Postby SpiralPrince » Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:29 pm

(Stupid Title is stupid, but whatever. This is going to be a series)

Sye: *murmurs quietly as he reads*


Lafayette: *looks up Sighs*

Lafayette: *grunts lightly as he stands*

Lafayette:*frantically starts to straighten his hair*

Lafayette: *to himself* Alright.. there's absolutely no reason to be nervous Lafayette, after all you are just going to say hello and politely inquire as to what he is reading...

Lafayette:Um... *clears his throat* Hello Sye...What are you reading?

Sye: *fixes his glasses* Well...I'm just...I'm readin one ah Spiral's books on Evolution...
Lafayette:Oh, would you mind telling me a little about it? Also, May I sit?

Sye: Of course.... uh...This page here is talking about the fossil record and how once the animals started to make the transition to mammals the fossil record became easier to follow...

Sye:And on this page is a part of Darwin's family tree... Basically this chapter is just a quick overview of the theory and some information on Darwin's life...

Sye: And I've lost you, haven't I?

Lafayette: No, no, I know what you're talking about. In fact I studied a little of Darwin's theory.

Lafayette: Father loved telling me and Genevieve about Darwin's Travels and what his discoveries could mean to the world. Father really loved science, you see.

Lafayette:Mother,however, didn't agree with us learning such things. She said that it went against the church and was a sin. It was actually the only thing She and my sister ever really agreed on.

Sye:*sighs dejectedly* Yeah. Unfortunately that attitude hasn't gone away.

Lafayette:Yes, I've heard some about it, Spiral tends to get heated concerning such matters...
Sye: Well, Hey, I just had a thought.
Lafayette: Oh, you did? What was it?

Sye: Well...Uh...supposin...you're as interested as ya say...Would ya like to read with me? I could help ya if you don't understand someah the newer parts... Not that I don't think ya'd understand...but..uh...

Lafayette: That sounds rather nice actually....

~End of Part One~
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