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Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:11 pm
by OutBriefCandle
The other week I unexpectedly ended up in Joanne's for the first time in ages, and in addition to some fabric for new pants that I've wanted to make Ariel for ages, I found two different musical note fabrics that I brought home. One that is just notes scattered all over is going to make a dress for Peaseblossom, and the one with actual musical staffs is going to be a calf-length duster for Ariel. It looks like you could actually play it on piano if you know how, I wonder what it sounds like! :lol:

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:57 pm
by britbrat18
OkamiKodomo wrote:Well, in progress is a commission for Nunubit, but for myself, I'm working on some clothing for my blue RS Mei (who STILL needs a name...) and some mods on my rescued AoD Qing. His body is here, and I finally got some epoxy putty to put magnets in his head. I seriously have no idea how old the head is. Does anyone know when Angel of Dream made the switch from hooks in the headcap, to magnets? The head was badly stained, yellowed, and someone had tried to mod the lips, and botched it, so I put a scar in to cover the damage. I have to sand down the chin a bit more, but we're getting there.

Not sure exactly, but it was before November 2009, because Kratos(my Chen) has magnets. I hope this helps a bit. :)

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:12 pm
by OkamiKodomo
britbrat18 wrote:
OkamiKodomo wrote:. Does anyone know when Angel of Dream made the switch from hooks in the headcap, to magnets?

Not sure exactly, but it was before November 2009, because Kratos(my Chen) has magnets. I hope this helps a bit. :)

haha it's more a question of curiosity, than because it actually matters. From my understanding, this poor thing has been through the war, and several owners. The girl I bought her from bought it with the intention of using it as a practice head herself, from someone who already used it as a practice head, and who knows where it came from before that. This is the condition he arrived to me in.

((not my picture, it came from the girl I bought him from, and I think she said she got it from the person she bought it from))

You can see one side of the mouth is definitely sanded higher than the other, and that dark blotch over his left eye (your right) is actually where someone had attempted to add a scar, or something. There was also a deep gouge in his forehead that I haven't quite managed to get rid of, which you can kiiiinda see in the picture, but it looks like it's just dirt. It wasn't but oh well. Also, whoever had done the face-up did not use any kind of sealant, and those dark brows were done with what felt like craft acrylic, so they had stained deep. I had to sand them off. Once I finish the magnet mod, maybe I'll post some pictures of what he looks like now, all cleaned and sanded, before I start his face-up. By the way, that's a normal pink skin, which I discovered once I began sanding. So the color is a little uneven, but I may be able to hide it with the blushing.

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:36 pm
by Alopecia No Hime
I bought acrylic paints...And brushes. I am ready to repaint once I find a barbie to repaint and practice on....Once that's perfected I'mma buyin' an Obitsu head and making Dante. It's already decided he and Kaname are med school hopefuls/rivals so...This will be fun.

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:36 pm
by Trethowan
I think I'm phasing towards the "wish it was all just finished" side of things. Only because I've taken on too many projects at once. I should just slow down and get things finished then it will be fun again.

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:12 pm
by kiki-chan78
Other than making all the dolls in the world... Working on a Grell cosplay for my Allison Elf. For instant gratification, I threw together a set of 'safety scissors' to have printed through shapeways since I can't afford my chainsaw yet. ^^;;;


I'm also simply *dying* to have the chainsaw printed. It's gonna be awesome! XD




Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:19 pm
by Alopecia No Hime
Kiki....I hope you spam that chainsaw EVERYWHERE once it's done. I vant to see de CHAINSAW!

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:46 pm
by richila
Doll projects:
Finish making Cordie a rainbow of crocheted sundresses-I would be done-but other colors keep catching my eyes-she has one in shades of earth-tones and the one on the hook right now is shades of turquoise-she has red, orange, green blue and violet. She needs yellow and indigo. I bought an assorted lot of tiny crochet yarn.

Finish fletching the arrows for her bow and arrow set and Also need to make the quiver and the handle for the bow.
Make her Merida green and gold dress- once the fabric arrives.

Get working lamps for her bedroom.

Make her a workout outfit to do a photo story with her barbells.

Other 1/12:
Crochet at least 1 more outfit for Aygul -now that i have found the directions to alter the pattern to fit her.
Make a shirt for Kyohei
Make a jacket for Sebastian
Make a hat for Regan
Make a new dress that fits properly for Dottie
Fix up the dollhouse- paper and floor it and buy battery powered working lights for it. I already have all of the furniture. :oops:
Redo the Paddywhack lane cottage for Sebastian and Regan.
Build and decorate the Spring Fling House.

Repaper and floor the micro doll house to go with the nice furniture-for Myri and her sister.

Clean everyone, change their positions and clothing, rearrange the room.
Create rooms for the rest of the furniture in boxes so I can do photo stories.
Paint all the Gloria furniture I have stashed.
Decorate Rita's bedroom.

Decorate the room trunks i have bought, put them together on a table for a 1/4 scale room with bed closet and dressing table. Make the linens.

Organize all doll props sort by size and store them so i can find what I want when I want it.

I definitely need a better system so I can do the photo stories I have in my head.

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:15 pm
by Pandor
Oh gosh. I've given it some thought, and while I really really do enjoy the process, I'm definitely more in love with when the project is done and I can squee at my cleverness or whatever. :lol:
The process, though... there's always that moment of OH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK AM I EVEN DOING AHHHHHHHH panic just after beginning and just towards completion that I really could do without! :lol:

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:23 pm
by magkelly
I'm still working on the dark and aqua versions of the Swarovsky corset. I've also been trying to sew up some clothes for my boys so they can have some time out of the box. A lot of my time right now though is being taken up with setting up my store and photo studio websites. I don't have nearly as much time for doll stuff as I'd like. I did finish the enhancements on my new Alex dolls but I haven't gotten them all dressed as yet. I'm working on that. I've got outfits coming tomorrow that I want to see on them and I have a skirt to finish for part of that this week. That green sweater is getting a cute plaid school girl skirt in blue and green to match. That is going on Bianca, aka Snow White. She looks just amazing with green eyes. The white pants are going with something else on the Britte, aka Edie doll. I have a jacket and a bag and stuff that I want to combine the white pants with. Sarah (aka Belle) has aqua blue eyes now and is already dressed in a long vintage blue flowered skirt and a cute top and I've redressed the first Desperate Housewife Sabrina aka Bree, in something more casual too. I don't usually have my Alex dolls in evening clothes for long. They tend to wear all the modern high fashion day wear around here. The white evening dress is on another doll now. You'll see soon. I'm rearranging and swapping outfits, redressing all my Alexander 16" dolls and putting them on a shelf. Those and my Wakeen Eve's they're going to finally be getting some display time.