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Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:48 am
by Trethowan
ACTUAL projects I'm working on include a leather vest for Foster. I was derailed until I figured out a better way to punch holes in the leather to sew the pieces together. I've had this silly vest lying around since I bought the guy. Really. I'm so slow it's pathetic.

Other derailed projects are craft foam armor. I still haven't bought a suitable heat-source (hot air gun) to safely melt and shape the foam. /sigh.

Ideas for projects, some with partial supplies gathered, are a BBB Mei modded to handle Soom deer legs, (finally bought sanding papers) replace Vargas' tail with armature and bean-bag stiffy stuff (still lack beans) and super varnish Rhordae the dragon (need Minwax.)

If I would wait and start things once all the supplies were gathered I'd be more successful and my craft area would be less cluttered with future things.

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:01 pm
by OkamiKodomo
Well, in progress is a commission for Nunubit, but for myself, I'm working on some clothing for my blue RS Mei (who STILL needs a name...) and some mods on my rescued AoD Qing. His body is here, and I finally got some epoxy putty to put magnets in his head. I seriously have no idea how old the head is. Does anyone know when Angel of Dream made the switch from hooks in the headcap, to magnets? The head was badly stained, yellowed, and someone had tried to mod the lips, and botched it, so I put a scar in to cover the damage. I have to sand down the chin a bit more, but we're getting there.

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:54 pm
by DollyKim
Making dolls for a planned doll making book, except I'm running out of dolls I want to make :p I have a couple of ideas but still...

Right now is a Cardassian out of Apoxie Sculpt and a guy I call Sculpey Sid if I can ever get his head right. The last one was too big and the eyebrows got messed up bad.

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:06 pm
by Pandor
So many things.
Dear Celestia,

Currently have 14 1/6thers sitting by me waiting to get face-ups, chief among them Rau, who was my very first bjd-type thing. And the longer he remains blank the antsier I get... D:
Then there's the box of 1/6thers who need to be rooted/rerooted. Also 14 of them, but there's some overlap with the to-be-painted guys. So. Yup.

And there's the bitty bitsu who just arrived who I haven't even opened yet... am hoping to get a box-op vid of him done, if my sister ever shows up so I can borrow her camera. He's going to need ears and a face-up.

In the realm of the bigger dolls, I started a huge sewing project for Link and Zel, and got burned out on it when my laptop got borked two-ish months ago. :/ I wanna make more clothes, or at least finish what I was in the middle of and get that project stuff off my bedroom floor. But the whole heading-off-to-finish-MFA-in-two-months thing has me too antsy and anxious to do anything right now, augh. u_u

Oh, and I was sculpting a babby-sd sized thing around the same time as that project... that one is stalled as well. u_u No inspiration plus not liking the clay I have left. :/ Still, I ought to take pics and scan my concept drawings, for posterity.

Finally we've got Ghaleon's Ask Blog, which is just a never ending project itself. :lol:

Pretty sure there are more projects I'm forgetting, though. :lol:

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:27 pm
by Yanagi-sen
I'm currently making a couple outfits for Takahirokumiko's elven prince Kharis. I've got one set (tunic, brocade vest, leggings, cloak) done in green with gold trim. Now I'm working on his more... warrior look, which will be in browns.

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:59 pm
by Linteia
Just in the doll crafting realm I'm currently working on:

-Finishing the room for my 1/4ths
-A room for my 1/3rds
-A new place for my 1/6th Obitsus (who were evicted from what I now call "The Love Shelf" by the Hujoos)
-Finishing up the dollhouse for the tinies
-Clothes for everybody
-Props for Monica's fairytales
-Genesis's faceup
-Summer swap goodies

I need to crack out a few more of these soon, but I'm lazy and life keeps offering me more interesting activities.

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:12 pm
by Trethowan
Which do you prefer, the excitement of the idea and having the finished product in your hand OR the actual making-of and crafting of the items? I think I still enjoy the process of making things better. If I don't get too overwhelmed with it...

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:28 pm
by famedglory
Oh goodness. Well, currently Es and Geist are taken apart and partially blushed, but I'm waiting on more MSC to finish them. I'm working on Geist's clothes and various pieces of other bjd clothing (jeans/tank tops/hoodies) When I get back from the beach, Kellan will need to be taken apart, cleaned, reseuded, and blushed while I'm at it. Next week resin Ella will get here and she'll need a new faceup and some clothes. I'm in the process of customizing 2-3 MH girls, and giving that mermaid doll a makeover. And the doll house. Oh the doll house. Between the furniture, the rugs, the hardwood floors/walls I have enough right there to keep me busy even if I had never gotten into the larger dolls. >.< I have issues with starting projects and then getting excited and starting something else. And this is just the dolls. Fortunately I really enjoy the process of making, but I think I should focus a bit more on finishing things for the time being.

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:30 pm
by knittnkitten
I've been spinning yarn. there's an empty frame loom in the corner of the room that I have been putting skeins on after they are washed and dried and there's like a pound and a half up on it now.

Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:46 pm
by SetsunaKou
Trethowan wrote:Which do you prefer, the excitement of the idea and having the finished product in your hand OR the actual making-of and crafting of the items? I think I still enjoy the process of making things better. If I don't get too overwhelmed with it...

I prefer the finished product done and completed. It makes me feel all accomplished, completed and 'Okay! That's done!' and I can breathe a sigh of relief. I suppose it's because we make dolls, plush and costumes for commissions, so each 'finished item' is always a happy day. ^^ That mindset probably shifted over to our own hobbies/projects, too.

Right now, for our own project, I'm in the middle of two big things and a bunch of smaller ones.

1)Make all the seiyuu of Kiniro no Corda in 1/3 sized, in scale to each other, BJD. We have all the dolls (except for 1 head, which we're waiting on Dikadoll to complete and send) and will work on their faces/sculpts during my sis' birthday week off.

2)Draw and finish all the Corda girls and 2 new guys in particular opera attire, for my sister's fanfiction. I was hoping to finish them in time for her birthday in Aug, but it'll probably not make it until Sept, so......CHRISTMAS present instead!! ^^ :laughs:

For the smaller projects, I have a Tonner Sleeping Beauty 16" Doll I need to make the outfit for (I do NOT like the yucky fuschia one she came with. So I sold it, and plan to make one in purples. ^^) and make Sleeping Beauty curtains for my room!
Do you know it's IMPOSSIBLE to find Aurora curtains, so I somehow managed to find ONE set on eBay, but....I have 2 windows! So, I'll divide it into two, using new purple material to edge and finish it, and it should look great and match my bedset perfectly! However, I have to dye it lavender as it's just plain white right now. That's another project for 'birthday week off.'

And finally, make our costumes for Halloween this year! I decided we'll be Rarity and Applejack from MLP:FiM. I already bought the wigs and fabrics----just have to cut and sew! I think it'll be cute (Hopefully.)

Other than those things, I'm pretty set! Maybe finish a game or some such, but those are the main things. ^^