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The crew at CloakedSchemer's house

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 4:08 pm
by CloakedSchemer
I suppose I should post bios since I've been collecting for years now and each has a story!

Here goes!

Currently, in my home, I have:

Basil "Amir" Angel - AoD Chen
Loki Edward Fable-Mackenzie - DZ Mo-B on Doll Leaves body
Hansel Valo - Ringdoll Valo
Maddox Pandora Fable - modded RS Lu
Mikeal Shane Samson - DIM Robel on AoD body
Erik Valo - DZ Hid on AoD body
Courtney Blake Keroac - Ringdoll Shao
Mikko Sven Lindstrom - DZ Hid on Latidoll Blue body
Venice Adrianne Keroac - RS Mei
Axl Levon - Blue Blood Doll Valentine
Ashley Santiago Ramirez-Valdez - WITHDoll Juwel
Parker Lindstrom - Islanddoll Kevin
Lucien Damian Dante - BBB Nissa

Bios are posted in order

Re: The crew at CloakedSchemer's house

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 4:25 pm
by CloakedSchemer

Name: Basil Amir Angel
Age: 22
Birthday: February 13
Sign: Aquarius
Hair: naturaly white blond with a black chunk in the back at the bottom
Eyes: green, the left is significantly darker. they change shades with his moods, but left is always darker
Occupation: that is classified information......I mean, office employee and model
Status: lives with his fiance, Mikko Lindstrom
Orientation: gay
Family: none
Prized Possession: his art room and the pieces he's painted
Favorite color: green
Favorite food: pasta
Least favorite food: meat of any kind
Favorite TV shows: does not watch tv
Favorite movies: does not watch movies
Favorite music: instrumental, mostly
Hobbies: art, painting, playing piano, conversations
Habits: smoking, drinking, hiding when he's upset
Likes: art, theater, classy events, swimming, being loved
Dislikes: animal cruelty, liars, people that use others, drama
Distinctive features: Rose tattoo on his left shoulder blade, eyes of horus tats on his hops, mismatched green eyes
Personality: To those who don't know him very well, he comes off as serious, stoic and sometimes cold. To his closest friends, he's very sweet, loving, caring and even cuddly.


Amir was born to a young Egyptian mother, Rose and Irish father, Patrick. When he was 5, the family was out on the lake. Amir was reaching for an exotic plant and fell in the water, unable to swim. Rose dove in for him, but her dress got tangled in some plants. With her last bit of strength, she lifted Amir up to his father, then drowned. Patrick blamed Amir for this and abused him for two years, then eventually skipped town, leaving him alone in the house, only 7, to fend for himself. His grandmother found him a week later, unconscious on the floor and took him in to live with her.

He went to Catholic school and his grandmother was very strict, pretty much teaching him that every natural bodily function and want or need was evil and a sin. Therefore, he became very shy and had a lot of guilt kept inside. At age 17, his grandmother died and left him everything. He finished school and became a hermit.

At age 19, he went into town and met Loki. They became fast friends, and seeing as the house was in bad shape at that point, Loki invited him to move in with his family. Amir stayed for a year while his house was repaired. During this time, he got an office job with a secret organization and met Hansel Valo, whom he became great friends with. Amir and Loki became close, but Loki pushed too far and Amir moved out and began dating Vincent Kleets. Though there were some good times, in the end, Vincent broke his heart. Amir broke up with him on Valentine's Day, 2011 and fell into a deep depression and drug use.

During this time, Hansel became more and more important in his life and soon after, Hansel introduced him to Mikko Lindstrom and they began dating. Amir was too upset over his past with Vincent to bear going home, so the house was sold and he moved in with Mikko. Currently, Amir is raising Mikko's son Parker as his own and is working to become what he once was before his last relationship. He has also become very close friends with Quinn Valo, Hansel's husband, and has developed a secret crush on him, though he would never act on it. Though he still has bad days, he's finally starting to feel happiness again.

Mikko and Amir are now engaged and planning a (tentative) December wedding.

Re: The crew at CloakedSchemer's house

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 6:12 pm
by CloakedSchemer

Name: Loki Edward Fable-Mackenzie
Age: 22
Birthday: August 6
Sign: Leo
Hair: black, length varies through out the year
Eyes: naturally brown, but he's usually wearing crazy contacts anywhere from solid white to red to glowing
Occupation: Assistant manager to Quinn Lee (Ivory Stardust's boy) at Uhlik's Music
Status: married to Spencer Mackenzie-Fable
Orientation: bisexual
Family: Mom, Sakura; sister Maddox; husband Spencer
Prized Possession: Spencer....and his video games and swords
Favorite color: black
Favorite food: sushi
Least favorite food: tomatos
Favorite TV shows: Family Guy, American Dad, Aqua Teen, Simpsons
Favorite movies: Poltergeist, haunting in Connecticut, Amityville Horror
Favorite music: punk and rock
Hobbies: playing guitar, video games, watching tv, cooking, being lazy, playing with Spencer, skating
Habits: picking the paint off his nails, going days without eating, constantly drinking diet coke
Likes: music, video games, skating, his pet rat, masochism
Dislikes: whiny people and liars
Distinctive features: "Spencer Mackenzie" carved under his left collarbone, scars, pierced septum, snakebites, tongue, navel and ampalang
Personality: smart mouth, can be a jerk, very sarcastic and rough around the edges, but has a very sweet side rarely seen


Loki was born to an American father (Edmond) and Chinese mother (Sakura). It was a poor family. For the first year of his life, the family struggled but did okay. Maddox was born two years later. It was shortly before then that Edmond began abusing Loki, though he did it secretly and Sakura never found out. Right after Maddy's birth, the abuse became its worst and after seriously damaging Loki both physically and even moreso emotionally, he skipped town, never to return.

Sakura worked two jobs to support the kids. They were left with tandom babysitters until Loki was old enough to cook and care for Maddy after school when he was 13. They became latch key kids. Loki got wrapped up in drug use, sneaking out, vandalism and his school work starts suffering. No mater what was going on, though, he still made sure Maddy was safe and had eough to eat. He became a very good cook.

At 16, in his sophomore year, Loki dropped out of school to get a full time job and help support the family. The drug use and alcohol use got worse. At 21, it hit its peak and Loki was in and out of rehab. He also became suicidal and a regular cutter. There were weeks at a time when he never left his room, just laying in bed, unconscious or barely awake, popping pills and drinking and cutting. Tge first time it got that bad, Amir broke into the room, pulled him out and sent him to rehab for a week. The next couple of times were for longer.

In January 2010, he started dating a guy for the first time, though still claimed to be 'straight'. The relationship started out okay, but ended badly when the guy cheated on him with one of his best friends. He attempted to cut his wrists to his bones, but his friend stopped him. Loki and the boyfriend got back together, but Loki never trusted him again. After this, it just kept getting worse and eventually they broke up, with Loki feeling he could never trust anyone, friend or partner, ever again.

But recently, this all changed when he met Spencer Mackenzie (Ivory Stardust's boy). What started as picking at each other and fighting quickly turned into something much deeper when Loki realized this guy could keep up with his punches and namecalling. Few people had ever had the ability to throw the attitude right back, most either cried or got mad and left. Spencer didn't.

On April 18, 2011 outside of the club where Spencer's band plays, Loki and Spencer committed to each other and are now married. On May 20, 2011, Loki asked Spencer to be his "Master", entering into a very serious BDSM relationship. He's never been happier.

Re: The crew at CloakedSchemer's house

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:07 pm
by CloakedSchemer

Name: Hansel Valo
Age: 34
Birthday: October 6
Sign: Libra
Hair: red
Eyes: chocolate brown
Occupation: romance novelist, detective
Status: Married to Quinn Lee (Ivory Stardust's boy)
Orientation: asexual/demisexual
Family: Quinn, their son Zane, brother Erik and parents
Prized Possession: very non-materialistic and really doesn't have a lot of stuff, but would choose his rings and necklace Quinn gave him
Favorite color: black or purple
Favorite food: seafood
Least favorite food: wasabi
Favorite TV shows: doesn't watch much tv
Favorite movies: not a big movie watcher
Favorite music: HIM, 69 Eyes
Hobbies: writing, music, hiking, camping
Habits: folding all clothes, even dirty, forgetting to eat
Likes: music, nature, his families
Dislikes: seeing Quinn stressed
Distinctive features: Ace of Hearts tattoo on wrist, two hoops in left ear
Personality: very sweet and loving, super affectionate. He's smart and easily figures things out, very laid back and relaxed.

Re: The crew at CloakedSchemer's house

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:58 pm
by CloakedSchemer
ResinSoul Lu with modded ears

Name: Maddox Pandora Fable
Age: 20
Birthday: November 12
Sign: Scorpio
Hair: black
Eyes: purple
Occupation: Hair stylist
Status: single
Orientation: bisexual
Family: brother Loki, mom Sakura, brother-in-law Spencer
Prized Possession: her Living Dead Doll collection
Favorite color: purple
Favorite food: sushi or fried rice
Least favorite food: she's really not that picky
Favorite TV shows: South Park, Simpsons
Favorite movies: Rocky Horror
Favorite music: a little bit of everything, but really loves Ke$ha and Ice Cube....
Hobbies: fashion, sewing, hair and nails
Habits: giggling constantly
Likes: dolls, plushies, bats, spiders, karaoke
Dislikes: people being mean for no good reason
Distinctive features: fangs
Personality: dorky and goofy, friendly, easy to get along with, flirty

Re: The crew at CloakedSchemer's house

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:08 pm
by CloakedSchemer
DIM Robel on AoD body

Name: Mikeal Shane Samson "Mike"
Age: 25
Birthday: February 13
Sign: Aquarius
Hair: naturally blond, but he dyes it black
Eyes: green
Occupation: Manager at Hot Topic
Status: married to Cameron Drake (owned by xX Christina Xx)
Orientation: bisexual
Family: Cam; mom and dad (divorced, raised by dad), 3 younger half siblings by mom, but he's never met them
Prized Possession: tattooing stuff, piercing needles
Favorite color: black
Favorite food: pepperoni pizza
Least favorite food: mushrooms
Favorite TV shows: Metalocalypse
Favorite movies: Life as a House
Favorite music: death metal, shock rock, Marilyn Manson
Hobbies: tattooing, piercing, playing guitar
Habits: drinking, smoking, sleeping, being lazy
Likes: darkness, tats, piercings, shocking people
Dislikes: crybabies
Distinctive features: horns, covered in tattoos and piercings
Personality: Extremely rude and cynical, hard to tell if he's joking or seriously being mean. He could adore you and call you horrible names and say he hates you, or he could hate you and say the same, very hard to read.

Re: The crew at CloakedSchemer's house

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:29 pm
by CloakedSchemer
DZ Hid head on AoD body

Name: Erik Valo
Age: 18
Birthday: April 30
Sign: Taurus
Hair: white blond
Eyes: dark brown
Occupation: lifeguard
Status: dating Lily Reyes-Pena (Ivory Stardust's girl)
Orientation: straight
Family: brother Hansel, brother-in-law Quinn, nephew Zane; mom and dad
Prized Possession: teddy bear (but don't tell anybody!)
Favorite color: blue
Favorite food: anything!
Least favorite food: none
Favorite TV shows: Family Guy
Favorite movies: Family Guy, the Hangover, American Pie
Favorite music: punk
Hobbies: playing drums, watching tv, sports
Habits: slouching
Likes: anything athletic, fun competition, eating
Dislikes: fake people
Distinctive features: none yet
Personality: Goofy and laid back, nervous around cute girls at times. Outgoing at times but has shy moments. Can be dorky.

Re: The crew at CloakedSchemer's house

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 1:44 pm
by CloakedSchemer

Name: Courtney "Blake" Keroac
Age: 20
Birthday: December 5
Sign: Sagittarius
Hair: wine red, naturally black
Eyes: blue
Occupation: manager of a coffee shop, but does musical theater on the side
Status: engaged to Amrynn Presrae (Ivory Stardust's boy)
Orientation: bisexual
Family: daughter, Venice; parents Pat and Joe and younger brother Taran
Prized Possession: his daughter
Favorite color: black and dark purple
Favorite food: vegetable sandwiches
Least favorite food: meat
Favorite TV shows: anything supernatural related
Favorite movies: scary stuff
Favorite music: folk music, Jack Johnson, the Beatles, Lifehouse, John Mayer
Hobbies: theater, music, playing guitar, writing, art
Habits: smoking
Likes: art, theater, travelling, museums, spending time with Venice
Dislikes: being used or hurt, anybody hurting his daughter
Distinctive features: Angel wings tattoo on his back, deep scars over his heart and between his shoulder blades, pierced ears
Personality: Blake is very friendly and loving, he cares about everyone and fight to the death for those closest to him. He's very laid back and loves nature and animals. He is a very devoted and loving father.

Re: The crew at CloakedSchemer's house

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 1:54 pm
by CloakedSchemer

Name: Mikko Sven Lindstrom
Age: 31
Birthday: October 26
Sign: Scorpio
Hair: dark strawberry blond
Eyes: bright blue
Occupation: wouldn't you like to know?
Status: lives with his life partner, Amir Angel
Orientation: bisexual
Family: life partner, Amir and son Parker; parents and younger sister
Prized Possession: Amir
Favorite color: deep red
Favorite food: steak
Least favorite food: fast food
Favorite TV shows: House
Favorite movies: action movies
Favorite music: varies day to day
Hobbies: guns, attending high class events, reading, swimming
Habits: smoking, drinking, intimidating people
Likes: action and drama of most all types
Dislikes: boredom
Distinctive features: none
Personality: Almost always smirking, he rarely shows any type of true emotion, though it buried deep within...somewhere...He comes off as a drama starter (which he sometimes is), though he may stretch the truth he usually does try to shake people up by focusing on what will get the most effect. He does have a tender side, though very few have every seen it. He can be very pervy, especially when it comes to Amir and his bff Quinn Valo.

Re: The crew at CloakedSchemer's house

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 2:17 pm
by CloakedSchemer

Name: Venice Adrianne Keroac
Age: 11
Birthday: September 13
Sign: Virgo
Hair: black
Eyes: red
Occupation: kid (lol)
Status: too young to date
Orientation: not known yet
Family: Dad, Blake; Mother is not part of her life
Prized Possession: headless dolls
Favorite color: black and pink
Favorite food: cake
Least favorite food: vegetables
Favorite TV shows: Simpsons (Daddy doesn't know she watches it)
Favorite movies: Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands
Favorite music: a little of everything
Hobbies: playimng in the mud, ripping heads off dolls, wrestling her uncle's dog
Habits: throwing tantrums when things don't go her way
Likes: getting dirty, playing, being creative
Dislikes: strict rules
Distinctive features: mole on her chin
Personality: Venice is half angel and half demon, so she constantly walks the line between good and bad. She is being raised by her father, Blake, who is an angel, so has strong 'good' influence. She's talkative and curious and playful, rarely shy, but also has moments of being moody, disruptive and all out tantrums, though she usually feels guilty afterward. Usually.