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The Bewildered Bryn... and friends

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:27 pm
by Lexagon

Name: Bryn Nova/Faelivrin
Age: 17/1700
Likes: Music, berets, flowers, anchors, necklaces, birds, seashells, elven dresses or indie clothing , dresses- cute ones. Teals, greens, oranges (not neon), purples, coral, magic, books, sunny days, the breeze, knowledge
Dislikes: Sunburn, shoes (WHY WOULD I WANT MY FEET SHOVED INTO THEM?), language barriers (Why don't they teach elvish anymore?), having to rely on others, Vivianne's rants
Bestfriend: Vivianne Demek


“Vivianne?” I asked quietly
“Yup?” she sing-songed

“We’ll be okay, right? I mean, this is safer than being there… right?”

She smiled sympathetically and nodded “Of course it’s safer, and it’s better for your people, a ruler isn’t anything unless they have a kingdom and a kingdom isn’t anything but a village without a ruler.”

I nodded and took a breath before stepping out into the warm sun, at least that was one thing we had in common. Humans had the sun too, and the moon. I could always rely on the sunset or the moon, but it was still frightening, not knowing what would happen in this world. I could be found, or I could get hurt here and never return home. I shook the thoughts out of my mind; there was no reason for them now.

Oooh! dramatic dialogue to introduce a character. I'll add more to her story in a few days, I just don't have much more type ;)

Re: The Bewildered Bryn... and friends

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:56 am
by kurosu.chan
Yeah, why don't they teach Elvish?! I'd take that class... :lol:

Re: The Bewildered Bryn... and friends

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:41 pm
by maywong
Who's drowning in the background?

Re: The Bewildered Bryn... and friends

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:54 pm
by Evelien
I think she said it's her brother's feet ^^

Re: The Bewildered Bryn... and friends

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:52 pm
by Lexagon
Bahaha yes, its my younger brothers feet. In just about every picture from that shoot he was making funny faces and completely killing the mood, so I ended up changing it into some deep thing about people looking away when things get bad

*le shrug*

Thanks Evelin ^.^

I'm not sure why they don't teach elvish, its becoming increasingly common now a days :3