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Taka Akane Bio

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:18 pm
by takahirokumiko

Taka Akane
AGE: physically 16
BIRTHDAY: November 25
RACE: vampire
EYE COLOR: Originally: black Now: green
FAMILY:Mother: human (deceased), Father: human (deceased), Older brother: unknown immortal (living), Younger brother: unknown immortal (living) (names unknown), Sasuke Sr. (uncle): vampire, Aunt (name unknown): Banshee, Cousins; Sasuke Jr.: warlock, Sean: vampire, Kaito: vampire, Reno: warlock, Peng-you: werewolf (all living)
ABILITIES: telepathy, telekinesis, pyro kinesis, hydro kinesis, and pain manipulation

Akane was born the unwanted second child of a wealthy couple, and therefore, was either ignored or beaten. Not knowing how to use his abilities, he killed some of his father's coworkers and was admitted to a mental institution. He would spend the next four years in the institution until he was taken in by the demon/ vampire hybrid, Kurochihiryuu.
Because of his time in the mental institution, he has a strong dislike of needles and being left alone. Also, an accident has rendered his writing hand almost useless which is why is hand writing is shaky and most of the time unreadable. He has been receiving some rehabilitation for his hand, but it has reached a plateau and has stayed that way for twenty years for reasons unknown.
Akane dominantly speaks English and Japanese. However, he is known to combine several languages in one sentence and make up words when he feels uncomfortable and/or threatened.
His eyes were genetically change after he was pushed in a chemical solution that one of his targets for assassination had created. Liking the color, he didn’t bother to get the effect reversed and to this day bears green eyes. Unfortunately, the solution had damaged his vision, and he has to wear contacts.
Akane currently lives with Kurochihiryuu, his uncle, and his aunt. In his need for love, he has created a “happy little world” where his uncle and aunt are his otousan and okaasan, and he flits between his two worlds. This causes him to become emotionally unstable at times. Fortunately, these don't tend to last long.

Re: Taka Akane Bio

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:42 pm
by MidoriKurogami
Aw, he's a cutie! ^^

Re: Taka Akane Bio

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:31 pm
by zirconmermaid
He is a little darling!

Re: Taka Akane Bio

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:22 pm
by takahirokumiko
Akane: Thank you for the compliments. I appreciate them very much. Arigatou.

Re: Taka Akane Bio

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:41 pm
by absynthe1972
A very complex family, it seems. He's adorable, though.

Re: Taka Akane Bio

PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:14 pm
by takahirokumiko
absynthe1972: Tell me about it. He sometimes talks about his family and I'm thinking, "Okay, which one is that?":? It gets quite comfusing. He thanks you for the compliment. :)