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Cain scarred sculpt 74cm

PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:54 pm
by Myrretah
So I have been goaded into posting him. Progress of him. Cain is my... biggest and most hurt character. I searched for a sculpt that looked like him and found nothing. Because of this I had to sculpt him myself. It took me two years but I believe that I have had some level of success. You see, I had to start with the most broken one. He's not just scarred. His bones were broken. I had to compensate for his smashed face and broken nose... and then the hurt that lingers about him. I tried. I'll only post a few of him and the variant heads that are close to completion.


That was when he was still in he first coats of primer. I was checking the line of his mouth in this shot and how the scar fell down his cheek. I've always liked it.


His scarred eye. this was my first casting. It has so many bubbles but I gave it a face up anyway. In all the pictures of him where he has a faceup that are mine... it is this head. It was my first and so, is very special to me.


this is what the blank scarred face looks like. I will post the other variants after though only four of them are close to complete. The fifth will be very limited as it is proving to be a very big pain in the tushy.


I love sleepy eyes. He looks so soft.



Had to! I mean... elf ears look amazing on everyone right :D


Scarless. I hated doing it. it felt so unnatural to see him this way. I was going to alter the scar off of the elf eared one too but I can't do it. I know some people will like the architecture of his face without the scar present but.... I just couldn't do it to any of the others.



I have to remake his horns sadly. I sorta loved them and then... I dropped one and it snapped. I was so upset. I just need to make them out of something more durable. I wanted to make a few kinds too. I like how different these look. I feel they continue in the same lines as his over angular face... but I know people like ram's horns... and then I wanted to make some that looked like branches too if I was able.


That's him on a Resin Soul 70cm. He needs a beafier body. I have his torso nearly completed. I'm cutting it up right now so it's a wreck. I will post more as I work. the heads will be ready first. I want the scarless, the normal scarred head, and the elf eared head to be available, with the other two as limited runs. Please let me know what you think. I have been hiding, kanda afraid to post about him. I know he's not everyone's cup of tea... but I love him.

Re: Cain scarred sculpt 74cm

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:46 am
by zirconmermaid
I'm glad to see you posting him here! Keep it up!! I know how much work goes into this, and he's coming out great!

Re: Cain scarred sculpt 74cm

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:37 am
by famedglory
He is truly amazing.

Re: Cain scarred sculpt 74cm

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:54 pm
by Nella
He's such a unique sculpt!

Re: Cain scarred sculpt 74cm

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:58 pm
by Pandor
He's all sorts of awesome, haunted and beautiful at the same time. I can't wait to see how the body and his alternate heads turn out! :)

Re: Cain scarred sculpt 74cm

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:49 pm
by Myrretah
I did some work on him today. I set the seal in his head cap and finished off the interior registration. All that is left is making the spot for the dumb magnets. I hate magnets. They make me crazy. What's funny is his cap fits so snug it won't even try to fall if you shake him entirely upside down because of the way that I designed him. I thought you might like to see how his cap looks.



The lower one is the cap that I intend to cast. I still need to hit it with primer and get it sanded down smooth but you get the idea.



Some shots of his body in progress. I've started to joint him. I'm so glad that you like my progress with him so far.

Re: Cain scarred sculpt 74cm

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:08 pm
by OkamiKodomo
And I've seen that monster of a body in person! XD It's so many levels of awesome. I've told you before I love the progress but I'll say it again. LOVE it.

Re: Cain scarred sculpt 74cm

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:46 pm
by coloredimage
I for one adore those horns you've made for that head! They remind me of the Green Men, honestly. He's looking so great, I can't wait to see more of that body.

Re: Cain scarred sculpt 74cm

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:54 pm
by yarwel
The more I see of him, the more he grows on me.

Re: Cain scarred sculpt 74cm

PostPosted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:40 pm
by Rage_girl
the body is looking great ^_^ makes me excited to get one. oh by the way this is sam ^_^ ikas friend