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a way around images being shrunk by default on this forum?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:09 am
by tirsden
I'm hoping there's a way around big images being auto-shrunk in posts... as I'm finding out darn fast that my photostories even in their eventual standardized comic format get shrunk to unreadable here. I can link out to the photobucket jpegs but... is there some way to add something to the image code to make it bigger? The images are technically small enough to not stretch thread layouts... if I have to link out to photobucket I guess I will but it's so much less pretty and more of a bother to navigate that way. D:

An example of a page from my most recent photostory:


And the actual image: ... ion-p1.jpg

Edit: oh it helps if I notice there's a way to expand the image from the zoomed in version the forum provides (heh I thought all it did was just give me the same thing again ^^;; )... still, would really like to have the big pics if at all possible. :3

Re: a way around images being shrunk by default on this foru

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:36 am
by DollyKim
If the picture is too big it messes with the view windows computers and it slows down loading. Some people use phones, tablets, and netbooks to look at the forum too.

Clicking a thumbnail for a larger image is so common I don't think it bothers too many people.

Re: a way around images being shrunk by default on this foru

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:41 am
by Greyhaunt
Nope - the feature is actually for your benefit as it allows larger images to be placed in threads without messing up people's viewing. If you look you'll notice a maginfying glass in the upper left corner of your image - this let's people know the image is shrunk and all they have to do is click on it to see it full-sized.

Re: a way around images being shrunk by default on this foru

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:43 pm
by Evelien
Funny though... it's shrunk far more than necessary. And when I click on it, it doesn't show up larger. Looks like it's not the forum doing this..?

Re: a way around images being shrunk by default on this foru

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:05 pm
by K2!
Evelien wrote:Funny though... it's shrunk far more than necessary. And when I click on it, it doesn't show up larger. Looks like it's not the forum doing this..?

The photo zoomer thing does not always work with all OS's and browsers. On one of my XP/Firefox computers the larger images don't load. On another machine with the same OS and browser, they load fine.

Re: a way around images being shrunk by default on this foru

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:14 pm
by Evelien
But... it works for every other image I see here...

Or do you mean the mishap occurs on the poster's pc?

Re: a way around images being shrunk by default on this foru

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:16 pm
by Greyhaunt
Evelien wrote:But... it works for every other image I see here...

Or do you mean the mishap occurs on the poster's pc?

Nope, the problem is generally on the User's pc. I can't explain why it's not getting a lot larger - it enlarges to whatever size the original is, I have no control over that. All that I control is how big (width wise) it will be in the post, and I set it to a reasonable standard size.

Re: a way around images being shrunk by default on this foru

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:41 pm
by Evelien
I checked out some topics I posted myself and most pictures I posted were scaled to 480x640, regardless of the picture being 640 pixels horizontally or vertically..! That's funny... I'd expect a forum to look at the picture's width first of all. This means your picture was scaled a bit "off" because it's so, um, long/tall/high whatever you call it :)

-edit- Explaining further: the forum changes the longest side of your picture to 640 pixels. In your case this means the picture gets really narrow. Ack, my English really fails me in these specific cases. I hope you understand what I mean.

Re: a way around images being shrunk by default on this foru

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:55 pm
by tirsden
Ahh yeah that makes sense now, darn... cuz yeah, the picture would fit just fine on the page width-wise. ^^;; Oh well, I'll get to posting more of the series when my brain works. Thanks for the answers! ^____^

OH, a quick addition, for those who have trouble getting the magnifying glass / expanding concept to work properly, is it better if I direct link the pages to photobucket? I did that on this one: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=4933 and it looks like if I do that, it overrides the forum settings so that it's no longer possible to zoom into the picture here (clicking on it just sends you to the big jpeg and you can come back with the browser Back button). Most of my later photostories have 3-7 "image pages", so it's technically a lot of extra clicking either way. ^^;;

Edit: Nevermind, the photobucket jpeg links cause problems for some so I'll just let the forum do its auto-resizing thing.