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Is cursing allowed?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:26 pm
by fleacollar999
Not bad cursing like the f-bomb or anything, I just like to use the darn word* to flavor my sentences. Like, "Hot darn, that faceup is fabulous!" I wanted to check about mild cursing, and it wasn't in the Forum Rules post. So, here I am. Is the darn word* to be censored?

*Also known as the beaver dam word. lol

Re: Is cursing allowed?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:08 pm
by Pandor
I've never seen anyone complain about swearing on this or any previous iteration of this forum, and a good number photostories I've seen come through here use swearing as flavor text.
Greyhaunt's the one to give final word on anything around here, but I think you can probably fucking swear all the fuck you want. (Lol, I usually do.)

Also, hi! I remember you from y-gallery! :D

Re: Is cursing allowed?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:40 pm
by Greyhaunt
While it isn't always evident in my public posts - I have a potty mouth so I'm not going to chastise others for having the occassional word slip out. Dang, in my book, isn't a swear word and I'm fairly sure I use "damn" quite a bit. I'd say used in moderation, unless I start getting complaints (and to date, I never have) I see no problem. We are (mostly) grownups around here after all.

If you prefer to walk the fine line you can always do what some of us have done in the past which is use the asterisk to self censor. In other words, if you want to F-bomb then just say F**k or F***ing heck. etc ... But this isn't a requirement.

Opinions? I open this to the group for discussion :)

Re: Is cursing allowed?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:51 pm
by Evelien
I think that's what I did so far, use asterisks. :)

Re: Is cursing allowed?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:00 pm
by Kirahfaye
I'm fine with moderate cussing - I'd prefer to not read any extreme swearing so, yeah - asterisks work well! :mrgreen:

Re: Is cursing allowed?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:30 pm
by fleacollar999
Hot damn! lol I just wanted to check and be safe :)

Pandor wrote:Also, hi! I remember you from y-gallery! :D

Not to change the subject, but y-gallery? I'm confused lol

Re: Is cursing allowed?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:41 pm
by skookum hime
I really don't care what people say as long as they do it intelligently. I could care less what words you use as long as you use them properly and not degrading someone else. The random fucks and shits just don't bother me. Think of it as George Carlin would lol.

Re: Is cursing allowed?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:35 pm
by OkamiKodomo
Pandor wrote:I've never seen anyone complain about swearing on this or any previous iteration of this forum, and a good number photostories I've seen come through here use swearing as flavor text.
Greyhaunt's the one to give final word on anything around here, but I think you can probably fucking swear all the fuck you want. (Lol, I usually do.)

Also, hi! I remember you from y-gallery! :D

lol I'm on Y! too XD.... I probably shouldn't proclaim that.....

Personally, I swear like a sailor but I find amusement in creative alternatives. Like the words tush or tuckus. I've always thought it's good netiquette to avoid dropping the f bomb, but it doesn't bother me to see it any more than it bothers me to hear it.

Re: Is cursing allowed?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:59 am
by Pandor
fleacollar999 wrote:Hot damn! lol I just wanted to check and be safe :)

Pandor wrote:Also, hi! I remember you from y-gallery! :D

Not to change the subject, but y-gallery? I'm confused lol

Lol sorry, I think I may have confused you with another Flea-named bjd enthusiast who is (or was) on y-g and da. (The one I'm thinking of was a big fan of Chrono Trigger's Flea, see...) DERP! ^^;;

OkamiKodomo wrote:lol I'm on Y! too XD.... I probably shouldn't proclaim that.....

Shhhh, it's a secret to everybody. ;)

Re: Is cursing allowed?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:11 am
by fleacollar999
Pandor wrote:Lol sorry, I think I may have confused you with another Flea-named bjd enthusiast who is (or was) on y-g and da. (The one I'm thinking of was a big fan of Chrono Trigger's Flea, see...) DERP! ^^;;

lol it's okay-- I don't even know what Chrono Trigger is (I assume it's an anime?) so it must have been a different Flea