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Holiday Swap Gift Pix!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:39 am
by AlmySidaKay
What did you get? We wanna see it! <3

Re: Holiday Swap Gift Pix!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:07 pm
by Lamia of the Dark


Tacky: Ooh, my present is here!

Me: Read the letter first.

Tacky: There's a part crossed out that says they had to train him not to bite...



...It's a T-Rex. With a saddle on.


Me: There's still more stuff in the box...

Tacky: *rides dinosaur*

Me: Tacky!

Tacky: *rides dinosaur all over the place*

Me: TACKY!!!

Tacky: I named him Razorface.

Razorface: Rawr.

Me: *Ahem* NOW THAT I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION, get over here and open the rest of your presents!


Tacky: A bear.

(He doesn't seem too impressed by it. Maybe because it has clothes on.)


Tacky: And a fishing game!

Me: You can play it with the other kids.

... notice how he was riding the dinosaur the whole time. We got the package on Saturday and he hasn't been off the dinosaur since then. He pretty much lives on a dinosaur now >_<

Me: Now say thanks to Paladinari and Gilan!

Tacky: Thanks for the T-Rex! He's awesome!!

Re: Holiday Swap Gift Pix!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:35 pm
by paladinari
Aww, I'm so glad that Tacky liked his gifts! And I'm glad the t-rex was a good size for him (I wasn't sure if it would be too small/big). I hope he enjoys it!

Gilan got his gifts from Tacky days before Tacky received his.

Successful listen check! The box appears to be harmless.

Gilan: Hm...?

Little Ari: It's called a "card".
Gilan [broken English]: C-ard...
Little Ari: And that's Santa Claus! He brings gifts to good children. Tacky chose such a cute card for you ^.^
Gilan [Elvish]: I can't read this. But I'm sure it says something nice.

Gilan [broken English]: Hat!
Little Ari: It's so... cute.
Gilan [Elvish]: What a wonderful hat! It seems waterproof, and what a fine, wide brim. I could walk for hours in the sun wearing this. I could even wear it in the rain. How thoughtful!

Little Ari: Awwwwwa! What a cute Beanie Baby!

Little Ari: And bunny buttons! And hair clips! Ooh, can I have the hair clips, Gilan? Please? Please?
Gilan: ...?

Gilan [Elvish]: This must be a powerful magic item! The picture changes as I move it. How curious...

Gilan [Elvish]: Is this some sort of colourful mace? It seems like it could do some damage!

Little Ari: Ooh! That woman loves this series! We should make her let us watch it.
Gilan [Elvish]: Can we get this book in Tengwar so I can follow along as you read in English?

Little Ari: On behalf of Gilan and myself, thank you Tacky and Lamia of the Dark! This was really nice!
Gilan: Le hannon! (thank you)

Re: Holiday Swap Gift Pix!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:55 pm
by Lamia of the Dark
Good thing my JunkySpot box with Rosiel's head came today, cause his presents from Becky came today :mrgreen:


Rosiel: *reading card*


There are a LOT of clothes in that box, and he was impatient to try them on. The light was fading so I only got a few good pics, though.


The black shoes didn't fit Rosiel, but they were perfect for Gear!


Rosiel: Thank you, Moonwillow and Becky. You are most generous. A few of the items were of incorrect size for me, and have been passed on to others in the household.


^then he had a tea party with Clover. There was no tea, but they had plenty of snacks.

Re: Holiday Swap Gift Pix!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:05 pm
by Linsilee
I am glad you got your package, but disappointed that some of the clothing didn't fit for him. I hope you are able to find uses for them. I will admit I had a hard time finding clothing for him and had to order some stuff from eBay, but it was fun. Becky and Trisha were up for the challenge. I am getting myself a male Obitsu slim soon so the next time I do a swap and have a male Obitsu slim doll I will be able to try them on first.

Re: Holiday Swap Gift Pix!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:55 am
by Lamia of the Dark
Moonwillow wrote:I am glad you got your package, but disappointed that some of the clothing didn't fit for him. I hope you are able to find uses for them. I will admit I had a hard time finding clothing for him and had to order some stuff from eBay, but it was fun. Becky and Trisha were up for the challenge. I am getting myself a male Obitsu slim soon so the next time I do a swap and have a male Obitsu slim doll I will be able to try them on first.

The Liv dude clothes fit the Obitsu Slim Male really well. >_<

Most of the shirts and pants fit (some were huge on him, though) but only 1 pair of shoes was big enough. (I think it was the Ken shoes that fit him. The Liv dude shoes were way too small.)

Overall, there was a lot of great stuff. I kind of feel like I didn't make enough for Becky's gift :oops:

Re: Holiday Swap Gift Pix!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:43 am
by Linsilee
You stop thinking that Lamia. Becky is very pleased with her gift items. She got some hand made clothing and accessories and that makes them more special to her. I do need to do some tailoring on them so they fit her a bit better in the chest for both dresses, but they are wonderful as is the other items.

Re: Holiday Swap Gift Pix!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:54 pm
by Linsilee
I have finally finished Becky photos and story for her gifts from Lamia of the Dark. You can read and see the photos here.

Re: Holiday Swap Gift Pix!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:32 am
by Alopecia No Hime
Finally got to take some pics of Haruka's swap gifts. (Kaname's will be coming in a bit. He's currently trying to get out of another choke hold Riven sprung on him. His sister is influencing him a lot...)


Haruka: "Mmm thanks for the gifts you guys! We were so surprised, and I love everything! Kaname, Riv' and I really like the snacks too."

Kaname: "These cupcakes are delicious!"

Haruka! C'mon try on some of your other gifts.


Haruka: "I really like the skirts! These are perfect not only for everyday wear but I bet I can make some cute cosplays with 'em!"

Hey look at this!

Haruka: Gimme!


Haruka: "Oooh this looks like that vest you drew for my mahou shoujo design! Now you don't have to sew it!"

It looks good on you..Right Kaname...Kaname? Hey get outta there! Those are MY brownies!


Haruka: I love this scarf! It's so warm and oh so pretty! So much nicer then the one Daughter of Evil got me last year.

It sets off your eyes a lot better.


Haruka: Heeheehee this is so adorable! Hey Kaname whatta think?

Kaname: "I think it makes your butt look-"


Haruka: *holding him in a headlock* "What.Was.That?"

Kaname: I err uh...HEEEEEELP!"

After trying on a lot more Riven found something he liked as did Kaname.


Haruka: This jacket was too small for me but Riven's been needing a good winter coat. Thank you. *smiles*

Riven: Now I can play in the snow right Onee-chan!?

Haruka:..Long as you layer up and wear your coat okay..

Kaname: Like the hat?

Hey I thought I fixed those bangs!

Kaname: Good thing I hid the scissors.

All three: Merry Christmas! Arigatou Erin-chan, arigatou Moonwillow!

Re: Holiday Swap Gift Pix!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:42 am
by Linsilee
I am so glad you like the clothing and goodies. My girls and I had so much fun doing this Holiday Swap. I have to say this again...Riven is so cute. :D