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MobiCon, anyone?

You hope, you pray you aren't alone in your dollieh fantaticism - so organize that meetup and see who else shares your illusions and dillusions.

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MobiCon, anyone?

Postby embyquinn » Sat May 12, 2012 4:12 am

I'm going to MobiCon next weekend (well, daytripping on Saturday the 19th) and I was wondering if anyone else here was planning to attend?

Here is the convention's Facebook page for those who are interested in learning more:


Cherry and I will definitely be there!
"Dolls love to be played with. They are lonesome if you leave them always in a box. How would you like to be left day after day alone, with no one to love you?"
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Re: MobiCon, anyone?

Postby Aine » Sat May 12, 2012 7:36 pm

Oooh, I didn't know about this! I have no idea how, I'm a Mobilian myself. I'll see if I can get some friends together who might wanna go on a trip! :D
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