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ConnectiCon 2013

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:42 am
by paladinari
I think I try to arrange a meetup for this every year and don't get any bites, but here goes anyway ^.^*:

ConnectiCon 2013 will be held this year July 12-14 at the Convention Center in Hartford, CT. Aside from the HUGE lineup of anime and fandom related panels, there is usually the customary DoA BJD meetup. However this year, it doesn't really seem like there is a BJD meetup in the works.

I'm trying to arrange a small "anything goes" meetup for dolls of all kinds. My friends and I have an eclectic collection of resin and vinyl dolls that aren't always regarded very highly at the DoA meetup, so it would be nice to have a small meetup where all of our dolliehs can meet and have photoshoots in peace and also share with the con-goers that there is more to the doll collecting world than our resin masterpieces (which are still pretty awesome).

If anyone is interested in meeting with us, I was thinking it might be nice to meet in the Hartford Downtown Marriot so that it is outside of the badge requirement zone for the convention, so if anyone wants to just drop by and not have to go to the convention itself it would be all right.

Details to follow. Hope to see some of you there!

PS- Yes, I've been very quiet on the board lately. My apologies -.-**

Re: ConnectiCon 2013

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:03 pm
by Dollies and Dragons
I will be there! With all mah dolliehs!!

Re: ConnectiCon 2013

PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:30 am
by LadyMermaid
Here's the event on facebook:-)