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Re: Weekly DQ: #2

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:52 pm
by Linteia
Evelien wrote:I have no idea what pulling a Velveteen Rabbit is and I'm too lazy to use google right now XD, but no, I don't want my dolls to come alive. A big part of their charm is that they are not real, they are dolls, I can do with them whatever I want and be inspired by them in my own way :)

You should look it up some time, it's a really sweet story, but basically a little boy has a stuffed velveteen rabbit that he loves and adores, then he gets scarlet fever. The little boy refuses to be parted with his rabbit and spends the entire sickness with his bunny close by, in bed with him. When he gets better they have to burn all of his toys, including his beloved rabbit. When the pile is built and set ablaze the bunny is saved by a fairy who turns it into a real bunny because the little boy loved it so much and it stays forever in the field beside the boy's house.

Re: Weekly DQ: #2

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:28 am
by Jany
What a cute story!
I would have loved that as a kid, one of my Barbies could have pulled it off ^.^ Not sure today, though ... depends which doll it would be, I guess, and whether or not they'd be the character they were chosen for or ... something else. The first would be cool, the latter rather creepy :shock: But I do like the "Indian in the cupboard" idea :D

Re: Weekly DQ: #2

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:35 am
by E-Beth
I read the VR at just the right time for it to give me the creeps (or maybe I read it at just the wrong time).
Dolls doing the VR thing would totally creep me out and I guess that's OK for Halloween!

Re: Weekly DQ: #2

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:22 am
by yarwel
I don't really have any dolls I'm attached to that way. Well, maybe Clarrissa, but it would just be sort of sad if she came to life; after all, she's wooden and in pretty rough shape from everything I've put her through.

Re: Weekly DQ: #2

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:53 am
by Stormlight
I would totally love for Puck to come to life. And the Shadow King. Although the Shadow King is kinda pissy and downright SCARY when he gets angry. Soooo ... he's probably better left as a character in my novel. Gabby is welcome to him! :lol:

Puck, though ... he's got such a fun, playful personality I'd love for him to be real. And my own wish-granting faerie would be quite useful. :mrgreen:

Re: Weekly DQ: #2

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:40 pm
by magkelly
Dollies aren't alive? (Blinks....) :D

Re: Weekly DQ: #2

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:03 pm
by britbrat18
The kid in me says "Alright Toy Story!!" However, the rest of me has seen way too many horror movies to know this would never end well. :lol:

Re: Weekly DQ: #2

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:48 am
by Lamia of the Dark
Evelien wrote:I have no idea what pulling a Velveteen Rabbit is and I'm too lazy to use google right now XD, but no, I don't want my dolls to come alive. A big part of their charm is that they are not real, they are dolls, I can do with them whatever I want and be inspired by them in my own way :)

Well, it's kind of explained in the rest of the question... "pulling a Velveteen Rabbit" would mean coming to life because you loved it so much.

As for my answer to the question: Probably lose what little bit of sanity I had left, actually. :lol:

Re: Weekly DQ: #2

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:42 am
by Iwa_Hoshi
britbrat18 wrote:The kid in me says "Alright Toy Story!!" However, the rest of me has seen way too many horror movies to know this would never end well. :lol:

After watching Doll Master and Toystory and some Chucky my point of view is along the lines of if its your doll, its loyalty is to you unless there's an evil spirit in there to begin with. *points to Chucky*

Seriously after all that time and energy not mention money spent on them. It would be darn ungrateful of the doll to go kill their owner. :lol: All things considering my dolls are still pleasant although some of them are a little snarky.

Re: Weekly DQ: #2

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:13 pm
by SugarCorpse
If dolls were to come alive i'd really only want one of mine to be real XD I don't think i'd be able to handle all of my dolls...