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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 7:23 am
by victoriavictrix

This would be historically accurate for Snow White.

So would this


Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 1:37 pm
by Jobee
I came to realize that getting started on a Disney Princess collection was just me trying to fill a Rainbow High shaped hole in my life. I like my Snow White doll, but I wanna play with my Rainbow High dolls again. Besides, rumor has it Rainbow High is getting a generation 2 next year, so I might try to finish my gen 1 collection. I'm not trying to get them all, but I really wanted to finish the season 1 cast, and a couple others. I still need Poppy, Amaya, Daria, and Gabriella.

Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 7:28 am
by Kirahfaye
A friend on Facebook (TinyBear) posted this and I found it interesting. I thought some of you looking for sewing inspiration might as well. (I couldn't get it to take the image so I put it on my Gyazo)

Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:03 pm
by Kattriella
Ooh, I love anything to do with natural dyes!

Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 10:49 am
by Jobee
Yep, trying to wrap up my Rainbow High collection now. I have a Poppy Rowan on it's way, and I'm just going to get a couple more characters, then I should be good. From the main cast, I still need Amaya Raine. I would also like Daria Roselyn and Gabriella Icely, and then I should be done, I hope. I don't have very much interest in the newer characters.

Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 11:51 am
by Kattriella
When money starts coming back in, I still need to finish my Barbie Looks collection, and then pick up some more Disney ILY 4ever stuff.

Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:31 pm
by Jobee
I know I say this every year, and I always screw it up, but I'm really gonna try my hardest this year to not buy into another new doll line, and just play with and sew for the dolls I already have. I've completed my Rainbow High collection, I have enough dolls. I don't need the new Bratz dolls, or Barbie Dream Teens, or more Monster High character repeats, and I'm certainly not going to start buying dolls that come with slime. I have enough dolls. My dolls are very pretty. Time to back away slow before the Barbie VS Bratz war kicks up again, which it probably will, and I don't want any part in it.

I want to focus on crafting and making doll related art.

Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 3:07 pm
by Kattriella
I've had to start downsizing, as we're planning to move some time next year, but I still plan to finish my Barbie Looks collection. My birthday is in a couple months, and I know my grandmother will get me at least one, if I ask. My mother might not understand my hobby, but my grandmother likes that I'm easy to shop for.

Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 5:12 am
by DollyKim
You need to take a good look at yourself and your life and see if you can figure out why you feel the need to keep buying so many dolls. I cna understand wanting a full set/cast of critters from a show but too many lines these days are about pumping out new characters to make toys. My last gotta get them all was the original run of Monster High and I liked the change of looks which helped me stop. I almost fell for Miraculous Ladybug but a chance encounter with one at a junk store helped me not get in to them.

Early on in my doll collecting I was okay with having like a pair, one boy and one girl, or just boys. When I ran my website I used it as a bit of an excuse to buy different brands so I could compare but I also had a Re Ment problem which dented my wallet. That was definitely filling a childhood hole and I hate to say it but finally having a neat dollhouse no one else could break or take did do me some good.

I come from generations of hoarding, certain ways of thinking about money, and other circumstances that have basically given my being a concave shape that wants to be filled with stuff. There is no object I will ever own that will fix that. I've also had just enough whatever that I was able to recognize all of that and break thru. A few years where a prescription medication was contributing to my need to shop aside I know I will do it to search for dopamine. With the combination of brain stuff I have going on I can't even begin to predict when or where I'll find any.

Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:12 pm
by Jobee
I took what you said very seriously, I want you to know. I seriously considered that maybe I have a shopping addiction, and watched some videos about shopping addiction, but nothing seemed to fit. Then I realized. I'm not buying random shit. I'm buying miniature FRIENDS. So I watched some videos on loneliness, and things were ringing a lot more true to me. I also popped open my Amazon history, and my Steam rewind. On months that I was in a social MMO game, I didn't buy any dolls. When I quit gaming socially, I bought a lot more dolls. I know that there's a much deeper rooted problem here, but I'm going to start by getting back into Guild Wars 2. I have two more expansions I paid for that I haven't played yet, I know a friendly guild I can hang out with, the pieces are all there. I'm also going to talk to my therapist about this when she comes back from her well deserved January vacation.