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What do you do while you wait?

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Re: What do you do while you wait?

Postby OkamiKodomo » Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:24 am

No worries MC! I just don't want to mislead ya. I guess technically the armor paint would be a body blush or fantasy part blush? I dunno lol! My client wanted the armor to look like copper with the olive green patina, rather than the blue-green that copper usually tarnishes to.

As for blades, do you mean craft knife blades or real knives, or dremel bits for cutting? Craft knives, I usually just use X Acto knives. You would probably know more about real knives than I do. For dremel bits, I use the sanding discs that came with my dremel, and you can get refills at most hardware stores that carry dremel parts. For more specialized bits, I have a link I can send you when I get home. I'm at work right now, posting from my phone, while I wait for my shift to start.

Tan dolls you usually don't want to sand for one of two reasons. The first is that some tan dolls, supposedly the pigment doesn't go all the way through. I've never seen this before but I think older tan dolls this was a problem for? I don't even know what companies were the ones... none of my tan/fantasy color dolls have this problem. The other reason is because it is very hard to sand a tan doll to the point that the scratches are no longer visible. However, I have successfully modded my light tan resinsoul fei's face, and really it just takes a lot of patience and time, is all. But it definitely can bedone.
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Re: What do you do while you wait?

Postby MeltedCaramel » Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:02 pm

Okami Pff, no misleading, just a very small misread on my part. It's not the fact that the doll (however adorable the sculpt is) has mechanical parts or fox (I almost wrote cat...whoops, can you tell I'm not all with it? :lol: ) ears and a tail that made the "modification" (I really need to use the proper wording for things, because that sort of meant "you know, you, with the painting and the spraying and the painting and the talent, yeah, that stuff") so gorgeous, it was the painting and the finish you put on it. I love the colours, and you made the armour almost look...organic, which is extremely hard to do when something is obviously foreign to a body. The way you painted it merged the armour with the rest of her colourscheme and made it something way beyond slapping some armour plates on a fox girl, which admittedly could be a very weird looking sculpt if not painted right. (The more I look at her the more I think that your painting is what's keeping that sculpt from looking rather strange and out of place...I feel horrible saying that, but "armour arm+fox girl" doesn't really...mesh in the mind well. :oops: ) Your painting makes her look like some sort of...steampunk forest spirit. :D

Oh, as for blades, no, no I wasn't talking traditional, need no help on that front! :lol: I was talking about rotating circular blades for the dremel knock-off. The sanding discs...would they cut through a small (like...1cm thick?) layer of bendy plastic, or are we talking about getting into unprotected spinning knives territory here? :? I have a....tenuous relationship with blades that aren't in my comfortable pocketknife/display knife area. Like...X-acto knives cut me by just being in the same room with me. I have no idea why I get all missclumsyhands when it comes to knives like that, but it does, and the further I can get from a spinning sawblade that's being kept from my hands by about a half-foot of knock-off dremel, the happier I I am. :lol:
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Re: What do you do while you wait?

Postby OkamiKodomo » Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:53 pm

Considering I chopped off the knees of my ResinSoul 44cm girl using one of the cutting discs that came with mine? Yeah I'd say it can handle that lol. Best way to see what works is to experiment. This is my preferred source for dremel parts. Shipping isn't too bad, and they have a huge variety. We buy sanding barrels in bulk there lol!

This is the fox girl set from leekeworld: [url]http://www.leekeworld.com/En/Product/p_view_option.asp?it_code=4418&B_catalog_num=107]limited fox warrior[/url] (and now I need to update my portfolio threads), if you're curious to see what the company version looked like. Don't worry about the terminology. Once you're more familiar with it, it will come easier. I remember when I first started into the world of BJDs, I had no idea what all the abbreviations meant, or what a "face-up" was. I really am glad you like her so much.
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Re: What do you do while you wait?

Postby AmberRose » Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:32 am

well for my I have been doing taxes, working on my project doll, planning my son's birthday, etc
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Re: What do you do while you wait?

Postby OkamiKodomo » Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:29 am

Do you have your project doll posted here, AmberRose?
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Re: What do you do while you wait?

Postby MeltedCaramel » Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:38 am

Okami Yeah, after seeing the original, I have to say I really, really enjoy your repaint better. The original is cute, but the colours on both "sample versions" really don't mesh well with the doll, especially the first one with the random silver "bathing suit" looking paint. They're very adorable and honestly if I had seen them I might have jumped into the resin side of the hobby a lot earlier, but I would have bought them blank because...well, dolls like that need people like you. :D You took a doll that I probably would have thought "oh she's really cute but the paint job isn't for me" and probably would have skipped her because of that, and turned her into a one of a kind piece. You definitely have an eye for colour matching and the small details.

As for the hobby side of things, there's this strange...I don't want to say divide because I don't like the implications, but there's a strange line between the ABS community and the Resin community. It's like, there are a lot of the same shorthand (and a lot of different shorthand!), but since the Resin companies don't play a role in my little ABS customizer world at the moment it's this big gap of information that I don't have, where it's like I understand half of what someone is saying. :? It's a weird feeling. It's like, if someone said "Oh I just got started on the faceup for my LW LE Fox Girl Warrior" (now imagine you just hadn't shown me that webpage) and you understood everything but "LW" and "Fox Girl Warrior" is a fair guess that it's a sculpt name. It's...odd from my stance. I'd love to further my knowledge on resins, but the back catalogue is...well, intimidating to say the least! :shock:

As for the dremel bits...aha...would cutting wheels be those little discs in the plastic bottle that I never bothered to open? :oops:

AmberRose Project doll? This sounds interesting. :D
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Re: What do you do while you wait?

Postby OkamiKodomo » Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:55 am

lol yes that would be them! There should have been a bit in the clear plastic box of pieces that was essentially a shank with a Philips head screw in the end. A very puzzling little piece if you're unfamiliar with rotary tools. Basically, unscrew the... uh... screw... and put it through one of the sanding/cutting wheels (however you refer to them, I call them cutting wheels, because that's what I use them for but I've seen them listed as sanding wheels too, as opposed to the sanding barrels), screw it back into the shank and use it as you would any other bit. Just be careful because the discs are somewhat fragile and can break. You can get them in different diameters if the ones you have are too big/too small.

Maybe call it a disconnect? I do know what you mean though. The abbreviations are a bit overwhelming, especially when you start getting into the company names. Like DollLove and DollLeaves... You'd think DL would be used for both, and how confusing would that be? But I usually see DollLeaves abbreviated as DS and unless you knew that, then why would anyone guess DS for DollLeaves? I know Den of Angels had a page with a huge list of companies and their abbreviations (PS: why is 'abbreviation' such a long word?) but I think their wiki page is under construction.

YoSD size dolls are very cute, and I'm looking to get one in the near future, as I have a pair of Soom Grit paw feet to hybridize. The big problem I had with that armored fox girl though, was the animal legs. I sueded the joints, and strung her as tight as I could, but the legs kept buckling no matter what I did. I recommended wiring her, but I've no idea if my client took my advice. It's a very cute sculpt but like most of Leeke's more interesting designs (the Mikhaila comes to mind... I've handled one of those before and hoo boy...) there are some serious design flaws. The fox girl's joints simply cannot support her weight, and there is no registration in them to keep her stable. Mikhaila has next to NO mobility in any of her joints, save the elbows and knees. She can basically stand there and look pretty, but nothing more. My friend has one. Also, the Mikhaila's wrist joints have an issue where the hooks don't fit right and so they gouge the resin around the ball part. Myrretah had to reinforce it with Apoxie and change the hooks.
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Re: What do you do while you wait?

Postby SymphonicEnkelli » Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:30 pm

My first doll wig just came in! It's so pretty! I hope it fits and looks good with my doll's skin tone.

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Re: What do you do while you wait?

Postby MeltedCaramel » Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:06 pm

Okami Sorry for my reply being so late, health issues from heeeeellllll. *Sighs*

Anyway!! Haha, yeah, I know what to do with them, it's not that I haven't seen them, it's more...I'm used to my Uncle being on the other end and cursing up a blue streak. :lol: I've only associated most of this stuff with his heavy-duty carpentry work until now so I didn't bother to open a bunch of the stuff before shoving my dremel in a plastic case for safekeeping. So far all I've done is some light sanding work with it.

I think the ones that came with the tool are just right for my job at hand though. ;) Thanks for all the advice! <3

Maybe call it a disconnect? I do know what you mean though. The abbreviations are a bit overwhelming, especially when you start getting into the company names. Like DollLove and DollLeaves... You'd think DL would be used for both, and how confusing would that be? But I usually see DollLeaves abbreviated as DS and unless you knew that, then why would anyone guess DS for DollLeaves? I know Den of Angels had a page with a huge list of companies and their abbreviations (PS: why is 'abbreviation' such a long word?) but I think their wiki page is under construction.
<---Hmmnn...disconnect sounds better. :D Why in the world is DeallLeaves abbreviated as DS? If anything I could see say...DL and DLE, you know? :? See what I mean about it all being Greek to me? :oops: The abbreviations are confusing enough in the ABS realm! :lol: I guess my brain isn't cut out for all these shorthand handles. Hmnnn, I wonder if DoA is going to bring that back online? That would be a great help to be able to pull up one page and be able to search for the abbreviation. As for abbreviation being long...you got me there. The wonderful, crazy English language at work there!!

Eeeek, I didn't realize there were so many design problems with the more fantasy options. Now that you mention it though, I can't imagine the fox girl standing under her own power. Not sure what the Mikhaila sculpt is, but...wow, any doll that doesn't have a large range of motion...isn't that kind of defeating the purpose of these amazing sculpts? ^^;; As for the fox girl, I can't see your sueding having any impact on her joint stability, I'm sure you're extremely adept at what you do. The legs don't LOOK stable. Were you saying that she DID hold her weight before sueding? That part I'm a bit confused on. :?

SO SORRY for such a late reply!!
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Re: What do you do while you wait?

Postby Caidanbi » Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:36 am

I make things for the doll I'm waiting for - a wig, a new outfit, shoes… whatever I think she will need ^-^
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