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Einin my Puki Puki Pipi

Puki, Brownies, Petdolls - anything in the 5" scale bring'm here!

Re: Einin my Puki Puki Pipi

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Mon May 06, 2013 11:36 am

I have so many dolls that I can't fit all their names in my signature anymore. @__@
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Re: Einin my Puki Puki Pipi

Postby twiddle66 » Wed May 08, 2013 5:49 am

Faydreams wrote:
twiddle66 wrote:

So very true with the BJDs. So far Einin is the only one in my collection that I can actually touch. I just love the slightly heavier weight of her in my hands. The Kelly dolls are cute but not really all that interesting. Although I do like the newer Chelsea dolls. Their tiny faces seem more alive than the Kelly ever did. I have two of the Asian Chelsea's and one of the blonde. Once they get repainted they will have much more personality.

Still they don't hold a candle to Einin.

I always thought the Kelly outfits and accessories were sweet, but really disliked the "baby bottle mouth" that most of the early dolls had. The newer faces don't seem to all have the bottle mouth, but I also am so spoiled with the posability of BJD and dolls like Monster high that have swivel joints and elbow joints --I get annoyed with "stiff" dolls. Plus, you are right, the weight of the resin on these tiny's gives them such a nice feel!

I must admit, though, one of the resons I haven't made the leap to a full sized BJD is that very weight issue.

In my mind I imagine a two foot tall BJD being extremely heavy! LOL Some are so haunting and elegant and I've almost bought a big one several times. Right now I am contemplating a Littlefee- which is around 10 inches I think. Thats going to be HUGE for me and yet I think the BJD community still considers that a "tiny"! Ha ha!

The vintage dolls I collect are all small to teensy too--Liddle Kiddles, Sea-Wees, Strawberry Shortcake.
I did buy some of the new Novi-stars but there again, have been very annoyed by the limited posability issue!

I started out with one Pukipuki and Mui-chan as far as BJD's--

I resisted Resin for a long time because of the colorshift issue.

There are resin formulas they could use that would not color shift and it annoyed me that the companies were charging alot for the dolls but not spending the $ to put the UV additives and color stabilizers in their resin. You'll hear people in the BJD say that UV stable Resin that does not color shift is not possible. Thats total bunk. I worked as a designer and prototyper in the collectibles industry for many years and those resins do indeed exist. But they are more expensive and I think the doll companies just want to make the biggest profit they can.
All this said-- once you hold a Pukipuki in your hand, you suddenly find yourself willing to live with the colorshift issue!! LOL And now I have 7 of them with 3 more on order! I also think Fairyland is one of the BEST to have as your first BJD because no other company has better engineered jointwork. They are the best as far as being user friendly to play with and the sculpts are also extremely attractive. Most other companies sacrifice back and forth one for the other in my (humble) opinion.

I can't wait to see how your Pukipuki family grows! I really don't think you will be able to stop at just one!!
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Re: Einin my Puki Puki Pipi

Postby Faydreams » Wed May 08, 2013 6:39 am

I know what you mean. The color shift thing was the one thing that held me back from them for so long. Then I got this little girl and the thought that over time her white would mellow a bit settled that issue for me. I think that it is wonderful that they age a little like that. Shows they were loved and played with.

I don't know if I will get another BJD so tiny anytime soon. I am currently looking at a Resinsoul Ju that will be joining my crew soon. Maybe at some point down the road I will get another but it isn't in the plans at the moment.
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Re: Einin my Puki Puki Pipi

Postby knittnkitten » Thu May 16, 2013 7:13 pm

I have a puki pipi that is most definatly a girl too XD she's a pretty early one, and to be honest, I haven't noticed much colorshift, but then again, she's been in a light tight box most of the time with my other tinies.
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